Chapter 5

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     I look straight ahead to the army marching towards us. There's hundreds of them and, oh of course, only two of us. Where are the other Avengers when you need them? Even though we were forced to retire I'm sure the government won't have a problem with us saving hundreds of civilians.
     I turn around to see Bucky bracing himself to fight. He then digs into the waistband of his pants and pulls out a gun.
     "Um, Bucky where did you get the gun?" I ask.
     "Some old habits die hard." Bucky replies pulling up his shirt to show me another gun and a knife tucked safely into his belt. "Want one?" He asks.
     I shake my head no. Crap, I think to myself. I didn't even think about weapons. Man do I wish I had my shield right now. Or even my suit would be helpful. Too bad I left them back in my apartment collecting dust.
     I see the army approaching closer. I could run a few meters out and start to fight but, considering I'm unarmed and unprotected that wouldn't be one of my best ideas.
      I look back towards the Avengers tower. Right as I begin to wonder if help would ever come, I see Nat jogging towards me.
     "Hey!" I call out.
     "Hey!" She calls back. "What's with this army? They seem like they are in no hurry to get here." Nat jokes.
     "Yeah no kidding!" I reply. "You think I have time to run home and grab my shield?" I joke back.
     "Actually Tony flew off and was going to go get that for you. And I think Sam and the others will show up shortly." Nat says, reading my mind.
     "Hey!" I hear someone yell. "Up here!"
      I look up to see Tony in his Iron Man suit, holding my shield, hovering above me.
     "Thanks! No hard feelings about earlier right?" I say to Tony as he drops my shield right into my hands.
     Tony doesn't reply. He just continues to hover there. Huh, maybe there are still some hard feelings from earlier. My thoughts are then interrupted by gun shots from ahead.
I turn to see Bucky shooting into the herd of people, charging towards him.
     I sprint towards the army ready to fight. I throw my shield into the crowd, like a frisbee, watching it plow through the people like bowling pins. I notice that something doesn't seem right about this army, so when my shield comes back to me I don't throw it again. That's when I noticed what's off about this army. It's made up of children. 

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