Chapter 16

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Thank God Bucky showed up! Finally! What took him so long? While we were stuck here going insane in this prison did he go party? Wow I really do need to get out of this place.
I run up to the glass and press my face and my hands up against it. Bucky does the same and then sticks his tongue out at me.
He pulls back from the glass to go rescue the others first. What the heck. Not cool man.
"Hey!" I shout after him knowing perfectly well he can't hear me.
From farther down the corridor I can hear and feel an explosion. One after another each team member is blown out of their cell. At last Bucky returns to mine.
He comes around the back way to the metal door. I don't know what he chucks at it but whatever it is it's explosive. The explosion knocks me backwards onto my butt.
When the smoke clears I see Bucky standing in the door way. Or at least what used to be the door way. He comes towards me and using his metal arm, pulls me up off the ground.
I follow out from the demolished cell into the hallway. He grabs both sides of my face and looks me straight in the eye.
"Dang it Steve don't you ever get captured again. If you do I might just kill you myself." He jokes.
I laugh, my face still in his hands. I suddenly go quiet when I hear a clicking noise coming from farther down the hallway. I can't seem to make out what it is.
"Escape now, kiss later, boys." Natasha says blankly striding past. She's already in her Black Widow suit and the clicking noise was from her heels.
"Oh we weren't- erh.... umm....... that's not what it looked like." Bucky says dropping his hands.
"Oh I know. I'm just joking." Nat says winking at us.
"So back to escaping I guess." I say looking around to see if anyone brought my stuff. I see my suit and my shield stashed on the other side of blown cell. I quickly put the suit on, grab my shield, and run to the catwalk in front of the cells.
"What took you guys so long?" Sam asks already waiting on the catwalk with the others.
"Steve and Bucky were having a moment." Nat says, smirking.
Suddenly out of nowhere Scott appears from the floor, where he must have shrunk down.
"So." Scott begins excitedly. "What's the plan?"
"Ok! Who invited this guy?!" Sam exclaims.
"I invited myself, thank you very much. So. Plan?" Scott continues to prod.
We all turn towards Bucky.
"Why are you guys all looking at me?" He asks innocently.
"You are the one who came here to rescue us so we're assuming you have a plan." Wanda says, partly hiding behind Vision.
Bucky throws back his head and lets out a long sarcastic laugh.
"Oh that's cute you guys think I have a plan. Well sorry but I don't. I got you guys out of those cells and I was kind of hoping you could get me out of here." He states.
"Well since Cap's friend here seems to be useless how about we come up with our own plan." Tony suggests.
"Sure Mr. Stark. I had a few ideas myself." Peter interjects.
"The odds of us getting out of here all alive are three hundred th-" Visions calculations are suddenly interrupted by a loud thundering noise.
"Shoot." I mutter under my breath. "I think I know where all the kids are.



      Crud. Not the kids anything but the kids. I still haven't gotten over killing that little boy but, I know the only way out of here is to fight.
     As the first kids round the corner I see they're holding machine guns and firing wildly. They aren't even aiming, but the closer they get the more of a chance they have to hitting us.
     "I blew a hole in the side of the compound on the first level to get in." I say as Steve holds up his shield to make sure the bullets don't hit me.
      "Well what floor are we on?" Wanda asks as she picks up a group of kids with her powers and slams them against a wall.
       I laugh. "Seventh."
      "Ok so that's the plan." Scott says shrinking down. "Get to the hole and escape through there."
     The team charges into the crowd of kids punching left and right. I make sure to shoot the kids somewhere where it will hurt but not kill them.
     Even though every single one of us must feel sick to our stomachs killing innocent kids, we need to get out of here. Farther down the catwalk I see two larger, more grown up look kids guarding a young man.
     "That guy down there is Marcus Williamson." Steve instructs through our earpieces. "If possible get him. I'd prefer him alive not dead."
     I aim a bullet straight at his bodyguards only for it to be deflected by an invisible force field.
     "Hey guys they're surrounded by some sort of barrier. I don't think any of us will be getting to him." I tell everyone.
     "Ok then focus on just getting outta here." Sam yells kicking three kids against a wall.
     "Wait a minute........." Nat begins. "Where's Bruce?"
     "Dang it!" Tony exclaims. "How could we forget the big guy!?"
     "I'll find him." Vision replies calmly flying over everyone. "Once I get him we'll meet you outside."
     We all nod in agreement and continue fighting our way through the army of children. A few yards in front of me I see Williamson and his guards. I charge towards them and punch the force field as hard as I can with my metal arm. It's no use. Marcus laughs as me and continues moving. He certainly isn't in any hurry.
     To my surprise Williamson throws something and it exits from the inside of the barrier perfectly fine. The ball he threw then latches itself onto a wall and begins to blink.
     Next thing I know I'm blown onto my butt by an explosion. Since we are a couple stories in the air the ground is far below us.
     Williamson and his guards jump out the window to be caught in a helicopter, making their escape.
     The impact from the explosion seemed to affect the rest of the structure as well. The catwalk we are standing on begins to shake and the ceiling begins to crumble.
     The catwalk falls making me slide down it, grab onto the edge, and hang from the side. The next catwalk which is only semi secure is a couple hundred feet below us.
     Steve who is still on what's left of the catwalk comes running to pull me off the side. Unfortunately one of the brainwashed kids sneaks up from behind and pushes him.
     He falls, but luckily I'm able to grab onto his hand with my hand that's not holding on to the catwalk. As we dangle in the air Nat comes running to us.
     She delivers a punch to the kid who pushed Steve and then aims to kick him in the face. The boy grabs her leg and single handedly throws her off the catwalk as well.
    Steve is able to grab onto her leg with his hand that isn't holding onto me.
     In one swift motion I'm able to swing Steve and Nat upwards allowing Nat to grab the edge.
     After pulling herself up she is able to assist me and Steve as to joining her on the broken catwalk.
     We look down over the edge to see the other team members down below. Wanda uses her powers to safely bring us down to their level.
     Right as we touch down next to the rest of the team the ceiling begins to quake even louder. Then it begins to crumble. And fall.
     The material of the building comes crashing down taking the catwalk we were just on and part of the one we are currently on, with it.
     Any kids that were left are then swept away by the falling rubble.
     I see Steve standing on the edge of the catwalk and I reach out to him but it's too late. The rest of the ceiling comes crashing down taking Steve, the catwalk, and everyone else with it.
     The only difference is Steve will be caught under the derbies and the rest of the team and I will not.
     As I fall through the air my arms and legs flail about, trying to grasp onto something. I'm instantly transported back to when I fell off the Hydra train.
      I land on top of what used to be the ceiling with a sickening thud. The rest of the team that can't fly follows.
      I see the hole I blew in the side of the building and the jet I flew hear outside, but I make no effort to move towards it. I just lay there on my back.
     Everyone else gets up and advances towards the exit. Seeing that I'm not moving, Tony grabs my arm and drags me out towards the plane.
     Wanda tries to move some of the rocks with her powers to find Steve. Sadly the only remaining brainwashed zombie throws an explosive, throwing Wanda backwards and making what was left of the fortress, crumble.
     I'm dragged inside the plane by Peter because Tony gave up on this helpless deadweight.
     Wanda is the last to enter the plane. As we take off I feel blood dripping from my nose but I make no effort to clean it up.
     I watch as we fly away from the dead, broken, compound where my best friends' body probably lies dead and lifeless.


Dear readers,
     What do you think? As always sorry about not updating. Remember if you ever have any feedback, questions, comments, concerns, I'm all ears! Yes, I know what you're thinking: Can't she just shut up and write more chapters?! Ha ha. Sorry but no I can't shut up. Thank you as always.

Yours truly,


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