Chapter 13

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     When the first blast hit I was thrown onto my stomach. I crawl across the floor to the other part of the plane to find a startled Peter, Scott and Steve. The sounds of the planes outside is deafening.
     "What happened?!" I shout over the loud noise.
     "Bombers!" Steve Captain Obvious Rogers shouts back.
     No matter how tempted I was to say 'oh really?' I realized this was not the time nor place. "Government or Black Hole?" I ask instead.
     The second blast hits. All of a sudden a whistling noise begins. The hull is tearing apart.
     "Black Hole." Clint says jogging from the cockpit.
     "Aren't you supposed to be flying this tin can?!" Peter inquiries.
     "I lost all control so this plane is about as useless as a tin can. I'm afraid it's time to jump ship boys." Clint retorts pulling out parachute packs.
He tosses each of us a parachute pack. Right as the one that was meant to go to Steve leaves Clint's hand, the side of the plane bursts completely open.
All five of us are suddenly sucked out of the plane.
The light outside blinds me but I quickly adjust. I struggle to get my pack on in the free fall.
As the Earth below me comes rushing closer each second, enemy planes circle around us. When I finally get my pack on and locate the parachute chord I look around to find the others.
Scott and Peter have already pulled their chords and are floating through the air. I can't see Clint anywhere but I do see I plane flying away. I can only guess that he's been kidnapped.
A few yards away I see Steve in free fall with no parachute. I stretch my hand out as far as it will go and reach for him. His fingers just barley slip through my grasp.
To my dismay a plane flys straight up next to Steve and opens its back hatch. He's sucked into the cargo hold and the plane shuts up tight.
I pull the chord on my parachute realizing how dangerously close the ground had become.
As I float through the air, the plane turns around making its getaway. I look around for Peter and Scott but they are no where to be seen. Then I notice the other plane following the one that captured Steve.
They had been captured as well. I was the only one that had escaped.
After a couple of miserable, airborne minutes I finally touch down in a big, open field. I immediately unclip myself from the parachute and breath in the non-thinned air.
All though I'm happy to be on the ground again the pain from what just happened over whelms me.
I lay on my back looking up at the sky which I just fell from. How could they have gotten away? Surely there was something else I've could've done?
I know deep down there wasn't but still the guilt folds itself over me like a large, unwanted blanket.
     I guess the shoes on the other foot now. For once in my life Steve didn't lose me, I lost him.
     I don't like it. Steve doesn't deserve this. I should be the one captured right now, not him.
     I don't know what to do. Man, do I wish Steve was here. He'd know what to do. He always knows what to do.
     Well I guess I do know what I need to do. I need to find Steve and the others. Which I don't know how to do.
     Jesus Bucky what's with all the do's? Why am I such a mess without Steve? We've literally been apart for not even thirty minutes. Back in the forties I was the one looking after him but now a days he's the one looking after me. Strange how the times have changed.
     So I don't know much besides I need to find Steve and the others and to do that I need to get back to New York. To do that, I know what I have to do.

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