Chapter 2

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I wake up to a bright light shining onto my face. I almost have a heart attack when I don't recognize where I am. Then I remember the nightmare and the midnight talk with Steve. It's ok. I think to myself. You're just in Steve's apartment.
I look over into the small kitchen to see Steve leaning against the sink and staring out the window. He looks away from the window and starts to talk when he sees that I'm up.
"It's about time you woke up. Hungry?" Steve asks, rummaging through a cabinet.
"Nope. I'm good. I haven't had much of an appetite lately." I answer him with a sigh.
"Okayyyyyyyyy." Steve says sounding exasperated. "Did the nightmares come back last night?" Steve continues to prod.
"No." I saying dropping the subject, even though no was true.
"Well since you're not one for chit-chat, I guess we could go for a run." Steve mummers looking out the window once again.
"Yeah. I'd like that." I say looking out the window with him.
Steve seems actually happy to have someone to run with that can actually keep up with him. Even though we got Hydra out of my head, the affects from the steroids they pumped into my body, stayed. The same steroids that were pumped into Steve's body. I guess you could say we are both super soldiers.
We run around Brooklyn checking out how much things have changed since we were kids. Somethings have changed so much we hardly recognize areas of the city we would hang out at, all the time when we were kids.
When we finally get back to our apartment building, neither of us are hardly breaking a sweat.
"Hey Buc," Steve starts, "I think I'm gonna shower and then we can go see some old friends."
"Yeah sure. I'll do the same. See you in a bit Steve." I tell him.
"See ya Buc." He says, closing his apartment door.
I let the water in the shower pour over my head and roll down my back. I lean my head up against the shower wall and close my eyes.
I lose track of how long I'm in the shower for. My eyes are jerked open when I hear Steve banging on my apartment door.
"Hey Bucky! Are you almost done in there?! I'm ready to go!" I hear Steve shout at my door.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'll be right out!" I shout back.
I turn off the water and get out of the shower. It doesn't take me long to dry off and get dressed. So before I know it I'm standing in the hallway with Steve.
"Ready?" He asks me.
"As I'll ever be." I say back.
We get on the subway and start heading towards downtown New York. When I see people starting to stare I pull my hat down lower over my head. I know perfectly well they aren't staring at Mr. Captain America next to me, but the creep with the metal arm. I sigh and stare ahead wishing we get to our destination soon.
When we get to the Avenger's tower I can feel the excitement buzzing off Steve.
After we get inside I nod politely to Wanda who greets Steve with a friendly hug.
"Everyone can't wait to see you Steve!" Wanda exclaims.
   "Yeah, I can see that." Steve says barley holding in his excitement. "Let's go on up and see everyone then."
    When we get up stairs everyone is happy to see us. Well, they are more happy to see Steve than me. The happiest to see Steve is Sam.
   "Well, well, well. If it isn't Captain America. What have you been up to lately, old timer." Sam says with a grin.
   "Well, Bucky and I have just been trying to readjust I guess." Steve tells him.
    Sam then turns around and glares at me. Uh-oh. I think to myself this isn't going to be good.
   "Come here robot arm." Sam finally says, pulling me into a hug.
    Even though I'm confused why he's not insulting me in some way, I hug him anyways. Maybe he decided I'm not all that bad after all.
  "Steve." Natasha walks into the room with an angry look on her face.
  "Uh-oh." I whisper in Steve's ear. "Someone's in trouble."
   "I still can't believe you haven't convinced Bucky to get a hair cut! His hair is disgusting!" Nat jokes.
   "I tried! He doesn't want to get it cut." Steve jokes back.
  "Yeah!" I add. "I like it this way!"
  "Fine. Suit yourself." She says with a smile.
   As I look around the room I seeWanda, Vision, Sam, Nat, and Steve. I begin to wonder where everyone else is when Steve interrupts my thoughts.
   "Hey is Tony here?" He asks.
   "Yeah." Nat replies. "Him and Bruce are in the lab."
    "Is Thor still on Asgard?" Steve questions again.
    "Yeah." Nat answers.
     Steve begins to walk in the direction of the lab. I don't want to go but I follow him anyways. Tony has never been very fond of me so this should be interesting. 

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