Chapter 9

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     I sit on top of the building and look into the dark, quiet street. I'm either waiting for Steve to return or waiting for something to happen that will prove that the job of lookout is worth while.
     "The Winter Solider perches on the side of the building. He is quiet like the night. No wait he is the night. The sniper peers into the darkness looking for his target. When the time comes he won't miss. He will complete the job flawlessly." A voice call from the darkness, startling me and making me jump three feet into the air.
     I spin around to see Steve smirking at me. "God dang it Rogers you nearly gave me a heart attack." I scold him.
     "Sorry Buc." Steve smiles walking towards me and pushing a strand of my long hair behind my ear.
     "Don't do that Steve." I say with seriousness in my voice even though I felt comfort when he did.
     I suddenly notice a change in Steve's demeanor. I can tell something is wrong. He's no longer smiling and joking. I try to search his face for emotion but find none.
     "Come here Buc." Steve croaks out with a crack in his voice. He takes one long stride closing the distance between us and pulls me into a hug.
     He wraps his arms up under my arms and pulls me close to his body. I take my arms and wrap them around his neck squeezing him back. There is no space between us yet we continue pushing ourselves together. I feel a tear from Steve's face land on my back.
     The hug seems to last an eternity. I begin to feel somewhat awkward. I look down Steve's back and notice how well his tights fit his butt. I mean I've never noticed that. I'm not pointing it out in a creepy way or something I just noticed it.
     "Would it be awkward if I grabbed your butt?" I laugh out barley able to contain my laughter any longer.
     Steve instantly pulls away from me. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Keep your hands to yourself, solider." Steve laughs back at me.
     We both sigh and an awkward silence settles over the both of us. 
     Steve then tells me what happened with Williamson.
     "So what do we do from here?" I ask.
     "We find Laurie." Steve states back.


I looked down at the gravestone in front of me. I've always hated graveyards. They've always creeped me out to be honest with you.
"Laurie Walters Williamson. It's so good to finally meet you." Steve says to the gravestone.
     "Why are we here? It's not like any of these people here are gonna give us the answers we need." I whine to Steve.
     "I honestly don't know Bucky. I thought maybe his son would leave behind some clues at his mothers grave site." Steve shrugs back.
     "Is his sisters grave here?" I question.
     "I think so. I'm not sure what her name is though. We can look for another Williamson. The date she died would be the day the team and I fought Ultron." Steve replies.
     We spilt up and begin searching. Not long after beginning our search Steve calls out to me. "Hey Buc come over here!"
     I jog up behind the gravestone Steve is studying. I notice something carved on the back of the stone but I'll point that out later.
      "Catherine Ann Williamson. Nineteen-ninety through twenty-fifteen." I read off.
      "This is her." Steve states.
      "Hey I noticed something carved on the back of the stone." I tell Steve.
      "What's it say?" He asks.
     I walk around the gravestone and squat on the ground next to it.
    "Sixty-one N." I say deciphering the scraggly carving.
    "Sixty-one N." Steve repeats. "What's that?"
     "I don't know." I reply.
      We both go quiet for a minutes while thinking. Then all of a sudden a light bulb goes off in my head.
     "Sixty-one degrees North. It's one half of a coordinate." I say snapping my fingers together.
     "Maybe the other half is one his mother stone!" Steve shouts.
     We jog over to Laurie's resting place and search the stone for another carving.
     "Ninety-nine E. Ninety-nine degrees East." I discover.
       "Sixty-one degrees North and Ninety-nine degrees East. Where in the world is that?" Steve asks thinking out loud.
      "I don't k-" I begin when a blinding light catches me off guard.

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