Chapter 22

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     I watch as several terrified faces to turn to stare at me. Maybe laughing hysterically was a bad thing.
    "Yes, Bucky this does mean we're the bad guys now." Steve says bluntly.
    "What were you thinking?!" Nat shouts from the pilot seat like I'm the stupidest person ever.
    "Well excuse me for saving all of your guys' asses!" I yell back.
    Steve puts his head in his hands.
    "I'm sorry if my language offended you Steve! What did you expect me to do! Stand there and let them blast holes through us!" I shout at Steve angrily.
    Steve seems taken back by my anger. He lifts his head and looks me in the eye.
"No, Bucky I didn't expect you to let us all die. But, next time, before you get all weepy about being a horrible person think about the deaths you actually caused." Steve says unflinchingly.
I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. It felt like I had a thousand bullets were shot through me at once.
How could he say that?
Unable to look at his cold, hard glare any longer, I get up and begin to move away from him.
Steve's face drops. He knows he's gotten to me. I know he won't apologize though.
"Bucky. I'm sure Steve didn't mean it." Wanda tells me, as I brush past her to curl up in the corner. "Right Steve? You didn't mean it did you?"
"Oh I meant it all right." Steve says to Wanda but while looking at me.
"Men." Wanda sighs.
"Oh you'll get used to it." Nat mummers with a fake laugh.
"Natasha if you don't mind me asking......." Tony begins, disregarding our whole conversation. "Where are we going?"
"The only safe place left I could think of." Nat replies.


We stand awkwardly on the welcome mat. I look down at my feet and thank Nat silently for taking us here.
"Are you sure there was nowhere else we could go?" Steve whines uselessly.
"Perfectly sure." Nat answers.
Nat knocks on the door one more time.
"Ugh! Where could she be?!" Nat mutters, looking through the peep hole.
"Maybe she's not here." Steve's says hopefully. "We can just come ba-"
"Shut up." Nat interrupts.
In one swift motion she kicks the door open.
The first thing I notice is the smell. The second thing I notice is the color.


Red. Red everywhere. Red covering the floors and the walls. Red even coating the ceiling.
The smell of death covers the room like an unwanted fog. I feel the sudden urge to puke.
"Oh, God." Tony mutters leaning against the door frame.
"Is that bl- blood?" Wanda stutters in a horrified voice.
I nod. It was blood that was painted across the room.
"Sharon?" Nat calls out in a shaky voice. "Are you here?"
"Hey Nat," Steve calls. "I think I found her. Or what's left of her at least."
"What do you me-" I begin, right as I stop short.
Lying across the kitchen table was a bloody, mangled, severed arm.



"I found her leg." Tony calls from the living room.
"Leg?" I ask.
"Yeah leg. I only found one." Steve replies.
After a moments pause he speaks again.
"Oh wait never mind. I found the other one." Tony says on the verge of sobbing.
After finding one of Sharon Carter's arms on the table I poked around to find the other one.
It was in the fridge.
One of her legs was on the couch and the other was under it.
Her torso was in the hall closet.
Suddenly a scream erupts from down the hall.
"Wanda!" I shout. "Are you ok?"
I run down the hallway to meet a terrified Wanda, exiting Sharon's bedroom.
"What happened?!" I ask frantically, trying to push past her into the room.
She grips me by the shoulders and firmly steers me back towards the living room.
"Her head- her h- it was in there." Wanda stutters in shock.
"What happened?" Nat questions as we enter the living room.
"Wanda found her head." I answers, depositing Wanda into Vision's arms.
"I think we should leave." Nat states taking one last look around the apartment.
"I agree." Bucky replies from where he stands frozen in the kitchen.
The six of us make our way to the door and close it quietly.
I was never truly in love with Sharon but I feel like she deserved a more respectful death than this.
Sam, who was waiting in the plane incase we needed to make a quick getaway, will be sorry to hear the news. He was always fond of Sharon.
As we make our way down the apartment building stairs, a terrible voice breaks out interrupting the silence.
"Oh look," it coos. "It's the Avengers."
"Is that Williamson?" Bucky asks stating the obvious.
I nod.
"Come out and playyyyyyy." Williamson's deranged voice calls out.


Dear readers,
I am so sorry! This chapter is very overdue isn't it! The past few weeks have been very busy so I apologize for not updating in forever. In other news, there's only three more chapters to go! Can you believe it? It feels like only yesterday I started writing this. I promise those chapters will come out faster than this one did. Thank everyone for all your support.


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