Chapter 8

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"What would anyone want with the Avengers?" I ask Steve, sounding very puzzled.
He shakes his head sadly like I haven't got clue. "They are a threat. Or at least we were a threat." Steve whispers with a small, sad, smile. "I knew retiring wouldn't solve anything. The Avengers would still be seen as a threat."
"It doesn't matter whether you retired or not. All that matters now is getting the team back." I state.
"I wonder if SHIELD had any old files that may be of use. They did have a lot of enemies." Steve suggests.
"Ok." I reply. "Let's look through some files."


I let out a long sigh. Steve and I have been searching for hours and there is nothing that could provide any use to us. I'm standing knee deep in paper while Steve is sitting over at the computer. Obviously one of us is doing more of the work.
"Hey Steve, you wanna switch?" I ask.
     "I don't think so. I'm better with the tower's computers anyways." He answers.
     I sigh and sit down on a stack of papers when something by my feet catches my eye. I bend over and pick up the file. I open it up and begin shifting through the contents. The subject of the file seems to be an ex SHIELD agent.
     "Hey Steve I found something that might help us." I call out to Steve.
     "What is it Buc?" Steve questions, getting up from the computer and meandering around stacks of paper. He sits down across from me and stares intently at the file in my hands.
     I begin to summarize the information this file has given to me. "Apparently when the Avengers Initiative was being put into place not all of SHIELD was on board." I begin right as Steve interrupts me.
      "Yeah I know this already. The counsel rejected the idea multiple times. Furry just decided to ignore them when things started to get outta hand." Steve interjects.
     I return Steve's comment with a scowl and continue. "Well apparently some high ranking agents disagreed with the idea. One in particular. His name is Alexander Williamson." I say handing Steve his picture. "One of the only SHIELD agents that didn't turn out to be a Hydra spy. Even though he wasn't a Hydra spy he still wasn't too fond of SHIELD. Especially after the Avengers iniative was put into action. He started asking people to join the 'Black Hole' whatever that is. He was finally fired from SHIELD after they caught him writing a program that could've dropped the Helicarrier out of the sky. SHIELD kept an eye on him and when they determined he was no longer a concern they lost track of him." I reveal to Steve.
     "So where was he last time they saw him?" Steve questions.
     "Uh," I begin flipping through the papers. "Charlotte, North Carolina. He rented a house."  I reply.
     "Ok that's where we start." Steve confirms standing up. He begins to walk away when he stops and turns around. "How did they determine he was no longer a concern?" Steve questions.
     "He stopped with his experiments." I answer.
     "What was he experimenting with?" Steve continues to prod.
      I glance down at the page. "Uh, brainwashing." I choke out.
     Steve nods and walks out of the room.

"What kind of idiot leaves his window unlocked?" I think to myself as I pull open Alexander Williamson's window.
"I'm going in Bucky." I say through the earpiece.
"Roger that." Bucky replies laughing at the 'roger' part.
It feels good to be back in action. I get to wear my suit and everything. As much as it pains me to admit this I really do love wearing the suit.
Right after we found the file filled with Alexander's records we knew this is where we should start. My job is to sneak through house and try and find something about the Black Hole or the rest of the team. Bucky is look out.
     I grab onto the window sill and push up. I swing my legs up, and around the sill, into the house. I turn around and close the window.
     I look around and notice there isn't much to look at. It's so dark in the room I can barley see my hand in front of my face. Even the light from the streetlights outside provides no help for the infinite darkness I'm consumed in.
"Captain America. I've been expecting you." A raspy voice calls out from the darkness. All of a sudden a light flickers on reviling and elderly man sitting at table in front of me.
"Alexander Williamson?" I ask already knowing its him.
"In the flesh." He laughs back. "I'm guessing you are here looking for the Black Hole."
"Why else would you be here? I'm afraid I'm sorry Captain Rogers but I'm just an old man. Sit." He says motioning to a chair across the table from him.
Normally I'm very cautious in these situations, but oddly I feel as though he's telling the truth. I sit down across from him.
Alexander looks at me with sorrow in the eyes. "Have you ever loved some one so much that you felt like you wanted to die when they were gone?"
I hesitate before answering. "Yes." I whisper back.
Alexander laughs. "Oh Mr. Captain America has a soft spot does he?" He laughs with a small, sad smile. He then reaches behind him and pulls out a picture frame. He reaches across the table and sets it down in front of me. "That is Laurie Walters Williamson. The mother of my children and the love of my life. Lost in the battle of New York." He chokes out with tears in his eyes.
I pull out my pictures I always have in my pocket. "That right there is Peggy Carter. And this one is James Buchanan Barnes. I lost Peggy twice and Bucky once." I whisper putting the pictures back in my pocket.
Alexander nods in understanding. "I didn't believe in Furry's idea of the Avengers. I came up with the idea for the Black Hole when Laurie died. The idea was to form a group to destroy the Avengers."
"I'm guessing you don't know anything about the attack at the Avengers tower." I state.
"I do know about it. I'm getting to that part." Alexander responds. "After I was fired from SHIELD I tried to gather members for the Black Hole and was unfortunately unsuccessful. Since I failed at gaining supporters I began to experiment with mind control. All my attempts were as unsuccessful as my follower attempt. I finally decided I was getting too old for that and quit. A few weeks after letting go of the Black Hole I get a call that my daughter, who was a foreign exchange student in Sokovia was killed. I contemplated starting the Black Hole up again but dismissed the idea. My son was furious. He wanted to avenge his sister. He brought back the Black Hole because I refused. He was successful with mind control experiments. And that, my dear friend is all I know."
I'm taken back by all the information o just gained. "Thank you." I say. I get up and begin to head towards the window.
"Captain Rogers." Alexander calls out. "You can use the door."

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