Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I'd been scared before, but not that much. I didn't even know why I was so scared, but I was paralyzed in fear.

Jack sent a frost wave over the earth, a recently discovered power of his that lasted all of five seconds and something he promised the Guardians he would only use in emergency. They could tell where it had come from one way of another; I didn't understand how.

Soon all five Guardians were surrounding me. I hadn't spoken since I told Jack what I'd seen.

"Alyssa!" Tooth exclaimed, putting her small hand on my back. "Are you okay? What happened?"

I shook my head. Jack paced in front of me. "She's been like this since she said that Pitch was back. We were messing around--"

"Like always." Bunny remarked.

Jack rolled his eyes but ignored him. "And she just froze midair. I had to help her to the ground even." He stopped right in front of me.

I took a deep breath. It was gone, I had people around me. I finally defrosted and stood up; Jack put a hand out, but I shook my head. "I'm fine. It was just, uh...shocking."

Everyone looked shocked too, though none froze like I had (excuse the pun). It had been one hundred years since Jack had become a Guardian, and one hundred years since anyone had heard a peep out of Pitch. We all thought he was gone for good.

"What do we do?" Tooth asked, looking around at everyone else as her wings fluttered lightly.

"We wait." North said. "And see what happens."

"So I just sit here?" I asked dubiously. "I'm not a Guardian, I can't do all of the things you guys can. And I don't want to wait around for another nightmare to show up. The next time, Jack may not be with me and Pitch may snatch me."

"Yeah, right." Jack said stiffly. "He isn't going to touch you if I can help it."

Jack was a bit protective of me. It'd always been us, and anytime someone hurt him, I was there. Same goes for me. Even before this life, he says that we were the only ones. It has always been me and him, together. Sure we have arguments and are sarcastic to a breaking point, but I had confidence that nothing would tear us apart.

"Good, great." I mumbled. "Okay, so we're going to ignore that this ever happened, and Jack and I are going to go mess around like usual? That's your big plan?"

They all nodded and shrugged. What else were they supposed to do?

I rolled my eyes. Fantastic. The Big Four and Jack, not acknowledging a freaking terrifying animal of black sand.

After that, I noticed that Jack stuck closer to me. We didn't play hide-and-seek anymore. It was a few days later that we ran into Nightmares again, but this time, it wasn't so random (though I wasn't sure the first time was either).

*Jack's POV*

I was worried about Aly, but just a little. She can take care of herself. I don't know why she stuck to me all these years. You'd think, after three, four hundred years, she'd finally get sick of being around me and take off. We go separate ways sometimes, like a century ago. She wasn't around when I became a Guardian. I had to find her afterward and tell her.

I didn't tell her about our sister, or our family. I didn't want her to be upset when she couldn't remember. I didn't lie to her, after I pulled our sister out of the way and fell, she dove after me. She and I would put on acts for our sister and her friends, sometimes we'd fake acrobatics. I was sometimes put in a bad mood, knowing that she watched both her older siblings drown.

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