Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

*Moser's POV-One Year Later*

After I shared with Aly, I noticed her being closer to me more often. I was shocked by that. I thought she'd be more distant after she knew my history.

I found myself spending less time watching the future and more time living in the present. It was enjoyable with one person knowing how to be careful around me and me not having to be so secluded in everything. Whenever someone mentioned something I took offense to, Aly quickly changed the subject or said something in my defense without letting them know that's what it was.

I watched Aly, even when she thought I wasn't around, to see how she spoke about me when I was gone. She never said a word against me, and I started to think it was ridiculous that I ever listened.

Everything was calm. Pitch was gone, all the spirits had gone back to their respective places, and the Guardians had resumed their bribing as usual. I couldn't help but feel that something was off, and that feeling proved true when Aly and I ended up alone in the kitchen. I'd been wanting to tell her I love her for a while, but I was afraid. I was just working up the courage to tell her when she grasped her head in pain and fell to the ground.

"What is it?" I asked as I caught her arm.

"Fear." She said, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Anything else?"

"Jack, he-he's hurt!" My heart raced. This couldn't be happening.

After she stood, I asked, "What did you see?"

"I saw Jack hiding in a corner, he was scared and his staff was gone. I think he was in pain from something. I need to go find him." She began to fly out, but I stopped her. I needed to go. This wasn't safe for her.

"Moser, please don't. I need to go."

"Let me come with you, just this once." She would run off sometimes, and she never wanted me to go with her.

"Tracy and Jack already don't get along, I don't want to jeopardize your relationship with him."

I sighed. "Alright. Just promise you'll come back at the first sign of trouble." This couldn't just happen. It had to be someone (*cough* Pitch *cough*) doing this.

She smiled. "I will." She gave me a hug and I hugged back, not the first time I'd touched her in this way. "I love you, Moser." She seemed hesitant in saying it, but she did.

"I love you too, Aly." I replied with ease, feeling a huge weight lift off my chest.

"Now my brother may be hurt and he's most definitely in trouble, so I'm going to go help him. I'll see you later."

*Alyssa's POV*

Where my brother was, I had no idea. How to find out on the other hand, I did have some semblance.

I told Sami I didn't know how to get to Manny, but truth be told, I did. I remembered very well.

So, I went to him. Walking in, I called his name. He flashed in just as he'd done before. "Are you trying to show off or something?" I laughed.

He smiled. "No, just the easiest and fastest way to get here. What's brings you here?"

"I just had a vision of Jack being scared, possibly hurt. I think it's happening now, or in the next few minutes. I need to get to him, and I don't know where to start looking."

"Okay, come back with me and we'll see."

He showed me the globe again. "His light is strange, while all the others are yellow, his is blue. Easy to spot. Here, he's in Alaska."

"Thanks, Manny." I shouted as I began flying out. Nightmares stopped my progress, which made me immediately figure out that Pitch had done this to him.

What had Jack gotten himself into this time?

*Jack's POV*

My shoulder hurt from having my staff ripped so forcefully from my hand, I was worried about my sister, and I was having nightmares thrown at me left and right.

Alyssa was in danger. As soon as she was alone, Pitch was going to attack with everything he had.

I kicked snow away and sat against a rock, putting my head in my hands. I was the worst brother in the history of the world. I left Meg to handle life on her own without me, now I had to leave Alyssa to die without me there to at least try to save her.

"She never loved you anyway. If she did, she would be here."

"Stop!" I shouted, trying to get his voice out of my head.

"Why? You are nothing. She is the most powerful spirit in the world, what have you? Being a Guardian? There are four others."

He was lying. That idiot. He was nothing more than a jerk.

"Jack!" She shouted.

"Meg?" I questioned. If Pitch was trying to bring back old memories-


"Meg!" She couldn't be here though, she's dead.

"Quit yelling for Meg. You've got me to deal with now."

I sighed in relief when Aly showed up, but, "What's on your face?"

"Dried blood from a run in with some pretty persistent Nightmares." She said while chuckling dryly.

I tried to stand, but couldn't manage it. My shoulder hurt too much. Aly noticed my struggle and grabbed my good arm. Trying and failing to hide a smile, she said, "Did you pop your shoulder out of socket, Brother?"

"Not me, Pitch. He came back with legions of Nightmares to hit me. When he tried to grab my staff, I fought and he yanked it out of my arm so hard it must have dislocated my shoulder."

She rolled her eyes. "Same clumsy Jack."

I yelled out in pain as she popped it back into place. "Baby."

"Am not. Anyway, what brings you my way? It's been eight or so months since I last saw you, Sister."

"I saw you hurt and came to help. So, let's head up to the Pole."

"How? I can't-whoa!" I shouted as I fell down one of Bunny's tunnels.

*Alyssa's POV*

Laughing, I followed Jack. "Thanks, Bunny."

He ignored me like usual and I just rolled my eyes at his childish behavior.

"What happened?" Tooth exclaimed, flying up to me and trying to desperately wipe the blood away. I chuckled at her and stilled her hands.

"A run in with Nightmares while trying to save my idiotic brother. You're welcome, by the way, Jack."

"Yeah, yeah." He rolled his eyes at me.

"You're so ungrateful. If you were half as grateful as me you'd be better off."

With a smirk, he said, "I hide it well."

Rolling my eyes, I turned to the others. "So, what have you guys heard?"

"From what?" North asked.

"You haven't guessed?" I chuckled.

"What?" Bunny asked.

"Pitch is back."

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