Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

*Jack's POV*

I suddenly fell from the sky. My staff was knocked out of my hands.

As I fell I heard Aly screaming at me, but I couldn't respond. I was trying to find a way not to hit the looming concrete ground below. Nothing came to mind. Everyone else was a block over.

I watched her trying to get to me, but she couldn't for some reason. Just before I hit I saw my staff clatter to the ground by my side.

Then I was knocked onto a snowbank by a furry creature. The air was knocked from my lungs and my head swam--it hit a piece of ice hidden in the snow. My eyesight wasn't clear, but I didn't care, I could see well enough.

"Jack?" Bunny waved his paw in front of my face. "No more brain damage, right?"

I rubbed my head. "No more than you."

He chuckled and called over to everyone else, "He's okay!"

It felt as if the earth itself let out a breath then, I saw everyone deflate. Everyone except Pitch that is. He looked disappointed. I guess that made sense, considering I was the second strongest spirit he had to deal with.

I realized then that Aly and I were the most powerful spirits in the world. Siblings too. That made me smile. We'd been working separately to kill Pitch, what if we worked together this time?

She looked at me and raised and eyebrow, I just smiled and clasped my hands together. Everyone else looked at me like I was crazy, but she copied my motion. Being twins had its perks.

I saw Tracy and Moser on the ground, leaving Aly alone in the sky. A wave of panic hit me and I jumped up, making my head pound and swim. "Aly!"

She noticed too, but wasn't worried. I felt the wind whip around me, but not like it was going to carry me. A blur flew from far away up close in a matter of seconds.

"DON'T. HURT. MY. FRIEND." It said, knocking Pitch to the ground.

"Kariss!" Tracy exclaimed.

I raised an eyebrow at her sudden appearance. "Sorry I'm late." She muttered as she stood, Pitch giving her an annoyed look. "I had to stop and gather some friends."

Sami, Reid, Lily, David, Matthew, Cupid, and everyone else that had been at the Pole for Aly's funeral followed soon after her and landed around Pitch. It must have looked amusing from above, a dark figure in the middle, then colorful spirits surrounding him, then darkness as far as the eye could see.

Yes, Nightmares surrounded us. I felt unsure then. Could we take all of them on? Sandy and Aly were on either side of me. "Together, remember?" She whispered. Sandy made his whips, looking unsure himself, and I looked around.

"Yeah, sure."

She leaned to Moser who was on her other side and said quietly, "Jack, Sandy, and I have this half. Spread the word around and go for the other half."

Sandy and I both looked at her in shock, but she merely smiled. "If we work together, there's nothing we can't do."

*Alyssa's POV*

I was scared, yeah, but I wouldn't let it show. My purpose was to keep the Guardians safe, I couldn't do that until Pitch was gone, therefore I'd do anything to get rid of the boogeyman. My guilt for killing was what made me bring him back the first time, I wasn't going to make that mistake again.

Jack and I clasped hands and ice shards prepared to shoot from my free hand.

"This is it." I mumbled, my heart racing.

Pitch shouted a command and I swear time stopped. The Nightmares' heaving breathing got louder, I could feel the tension in the air and in my brother's tight grip. It was unbearably quiet for two seconds, which felt like two hours. My heart stopped in fear.

"Don't die on me now." Jack joked quietly. I heard a tone of seriousness in it though.

I took a deep breath. I wasn't ready for this. I had to be though, which made me nervous. I couldn't fail.

I wouldn't fail. I had the strength of twelve normal spirits inside me. I should unleash my inner anger at him, I could get rid of all these Nightmares in a heartbeat. But I'd hurt my friends too, freeze them through.

Suddenly I felt a nip on my arm and screamed in shock. Jack tugged on my hand, shooting me back to the present. I knew I could do this.

I turned to him, putting up an ice shield that nothing could get inside. "I need to hold the Nightmares back. You go after Pitch."

He nodded and the ice shot toward Nightmares, which combusted on impact.

I flew up, out of the mayhem, and tried to determine quickly what the best route was. Individually freezing the Nightmares would take too long.

I got it! I screamed internally.

*Third Person* (A/N: I apologize for the fight scene, I really am awful at those.)

As Alyssa figured out what to do, her companions were fighting hard. Black sand, frost, fire, flowers, winds and rains, boomerangs, and swords flew everywhere. The dream whips had the greatest impact as of that point, killing tens of Nightmares with each stroke.

Sandy was for this reason recruited by Jack to cover him as he went after Pitch. Sandy shook his head, so Jack covered him.

Shouts were heard as Moser tried to help. He could only fly and see the future, he had no special powers that he knew of. Feeling the need to help, Moser instead dashed out of the way powerless. He had no use, he thought, until the Moon shone brightly on him.

"Do your best, I will come through with the rest." Manny said, unaware of his rhyme.

He nodded and made his way into the mess, trying to find what his purpose was. "Moser!" Tracy shouted. "Hands up!" He lifted his hands, palms toward her, and she shot a flame at him. He stood his ground, though feeling like it would not be a good idea.

When he saw what was happening, he smiled. He was reflecting the flame, and it was painless. Any Nightmares that came close to the flame lit on fire though. It was between his hands, stabilized.

His eyes widened. This is my purpose, he thought awestricken. "Alyssa!" She looked at him and saw what he was doing. "You try!"

She smirked and used a single hand to make a current of what could've been ice, snow, or frost, he didn't know. But once it hit his palms, an amazing thing happened. Freezing fire. The ice wrapped around the fire as small particles. He angled his hands and watched as Nightmares came in contact with the form of water in the current, fire from Tracy, and the freezing fire.

They just disappeared, and with them any of the others they'd appeared to touch.

Moser was amazed. "This is what happens when all the Oracles come together!" Tracy shouted, keeping her focus on the flame.

"Nothing will stand in our way!" Alyssa continued.

They looked toward Moser, who had no words. They urged him on. He knew what he was going to say would be much longer than theirs, but he bypassed caring. "I am the link and the final. I decide who lives and dies! My grace is bountiful, but has an end. Pitch Black, you have met that end."

Everyone raced out of the way as the three Oracles shifted. Jack and Sandy stepped back from a kneeling Pitch, who looked weak. None of the three were fooled. He himself said that appearances were deceiving.

The currents stopped. The Nightmares disappeared. Everyone held their breath, this was the end. "Do it. Be a killer." Pitch said harshly. "Just. Like. Him."

Moser's confidence wavered, knowing Pitch meant his father, but he suddenly remembered why he was doing this. "I am not him, I am saving many lives by doing this."

His arms were spread apart, one current rushing toward the parallel palm. Slowly, so the girls would be able to follow, he brought them together. The freezing fire shot toward Pitch and...well you can guess what happened then.

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