Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Jack's POV*

Fire? Lights? I looked between my sister and the globe, wondering if she'd finally lost it and gone over the edge. But she'd never done anything like that before--mumbling random words after passing out, saying she can't move, letting me carry her of all things! She would never let me do that before, not that I had needed to.

She sat up slowly and rubbed her head. "Hey. How ya feeling?"

"Like I just got knocked over the head with a sledgehammer." She said, stumbling forward a few steps after she stood. I caught her shoulder and chuckled.

"What happened?" As she leaned against the railing by the globe controls, she gestured for me to give her her wristband. I did so gladly, not wanting a bracelet on any longer.

"I have no idea. I walked into the Warren, looking for Bunny, but I got a splitting headache and..." she trailed off, her eyes wide.


She shook her head, escaping as North called us. I followed her and was surprised to say the least when I saw the sleigh. "Close exit!" He shouted, and five yetis ran down the tunnel.

"What's going on?" The reins were slashed, three reindeer were missing, and there was some kind of liquid in the seat that I couldn't identify.

Aly gasped and put her hand on her head, falling to her feet. As her feet touched the ground she looked fine again. "Fire."

"Not this again." I complained.

A spark appeared and she grabbed my hand and dragged me out so fast my feet hardly touched the ground. "Hurry!" Her tone was half-crazed with worry. "North!"

He followed, but not quickly enough. He was thrown into us from the force of the explosion that followed. "Is everyone okay?" Alyssa asked, picking herself up.

"How'd you do that?" I asked, seeing a fire follow the explosion.

"It doesn't matter. We need to find a way to help North. A new sleigh, another way to travel, something! Christmas is less than forty-eight hours away."

"Alyssa is right. No matter about sleigh. I still have globe." He reached into his coat pocket and yanked it back out. "Broken! Yetis can fix, but not before Christmas."

I was still hung up on the fact that my sister had been able to tell that it was going to burst into flames before it happened. Had Pitch figured out how to get into people's heads?

*Alyssa's POV*

That had happened once before, when I got an awful headache and saw something that was about to happen. It was two hundred years ago. I saw a kid looking at the Guardians, then turn around to Jack and laugh. I didn't tell Jack, he was so hung up on someone seeing him.

But after the headache was gone, I had seen Jack staring at me as I laid down. He had said that I'd died for a second, and I thought he was joking. Maybe he was.

Now for North. Pitch had done this, everything he could do to stop Christmas from coming.

"The lights." I said to them. "They're going to go out unless we can fix this."

I don't know why they kept splitting up, where'd Bunny go? I mean, Tooth and Sandy had jobs to do, but him?

"What happened?" Bunny's furious voice broke through my thoughts.

"There you are!"

"Didn't answer my question."

I shrugged. "We were cold."

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