Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

*Alyssa's POV-Flashback Five Hundred Years*

I opened my eyes and saw nothing. It was dark, and cold. I was scared and alone.

Then I saw it. It was big and bright, and it chased my fears away.

I felt myself lifted into the air and stared at the moon. "Your name is Alyssa Ice, you are Jack Frost's twin sister."

I was confused as he set me back on the ice, then I heard a gasp next to me and skidded back a few steps. There was a boy coming out of the water beside me. His hair was white and his eyes ice blue. Looking at my similar reflection in the ice, I suspected he was Jack Frost.

He was lightly panting, but when he came between myself and the moon, he stopped. A few moments later he stood on the ice, which I saw was cracked. "Don't!" I shouted, rushing forward. As soon as I touched the ice near him, it was solid again.

I stood and looked at him. "Who're you?" We asked simultaneously.

"I'm Jack." He told me as I told him my name at the same time. He kicked up a staff into his hand. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"Alyssa." We shook hands, but I pulled him into a hug. I was a bit frightened, but knowing I had family in the world would help.

He smiled at me and let his staff drag on the ground, making frost come out the end. I jumped back. "Whoa." We smiled at each other before I stamped my foot on the ground and ice shot off the pond, crossing the forest floor. He stabbed different trees, marveling at the pattern.

Suddenly the wind whipped us into the air and we tumbled, grabbing each other's hands so we didn't fly away. This was amazing. I wondered if everyone could do things like this?


I laughed and sat on the back of the sleigh. "What?" Jack asked, anxious to get off the topic of his love for Tracy.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about the day we both came back."

He smiled. "Yeah, things seemed to be easier then, didn't they?"

"I was actually thinking about how we were so helpless. Both of us clinging to each other because we were afraid of the world. Most people enter the world alone, I'm glad I didn't."

"Same here, but I wasn't really afraid."

"Liar." All of the Guardians said together. He looked curiously at all of us. I chuckled. "You shook like a chihuahua for days after finding out people couldn't see you."

"A day." He corrected, his anxious smirk coming back.

I shook my head and laughed. "If that's what you wanna believe."

"What happened then?" Moser asked, a look of dread on his face. Our teasing hadn't distracted him, I thought, and he may want the distraction.

I told the story from the beginning, making sure to elaborate on the amazing things Jack could do, while I could only freeze things. I was content though, from what I'd seen the people that couldn't see us couldn't do things like we could.

"That's when Sandy found us. We were wandering around watching him work, we didn't know what he was doing or who was doing it, but he saw us flying in the air together and followed us. It was almost an entire day before we noticed him behind us, given we couldn't hear him I think that's pretty good."

Sandy smiled.

"He signified a Christmas tree the first chance he got. I was enamored by the spirit I saw when people were putting them up and talking about Christmas, and we'd heard a few legends, but assumed they were fake. I guessed correctly and he led us up to the Pole, where North found us. The expression our faces held!"

Jack smiled and continued, his eyes twinkling with joy, "It was the first time I'd ever seen the place, and the last time I got in until being told I was a Guardian two hundred fifty years later. The machinery was more advanced than human things are now! It was amazing to watch and see all of the toys being made."

"The sights," I took back over, "were and are fantastic. Even more so the first time you see them and you really take it all in. It was just amazing. That's when we got the whole backstory on the Guardians and filling our place in the world, but we didn't pay attention really. We didn't interact much with the Guardians past then-"

"Until Easter of 1968." Bunny chimed in.

"Until Easter of 1968." I said with a smile. "Jack and I went a little crazy that year and kids pretty much got snow days all month long. Two really. It was March and April, so they didn't really get to celebrate Easter that year."

Moser laughed. "I remember that year! Tracy and I couldn't get out the front door! We figured it was Old Man Winter playing a prank on us."

"It was, kinda. We were aware of someone living in Ireland, but didn't know who or where." I shrugged.

Then I heard a voice that made me pause. "Sharing stories, are we?"

I clenched my fists and trained my eyes to him. "Pitch."


"Why have you come to us?" I watched out of the corner of my eyes as North guided the sleigh to the ground.

"To finish this."

"Please," I scoffed, "you are too weak to take one of us, let alone all."

"Appearance is in the eye of the beholder." He said, quoting a phrase I'd heard people say here and there.

"You tricked me."

"And you tricked them."

"Let's get this over with."

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