Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Third Person*

"The lights are sickening, aren't they?" Pitch stroked the mane of a Nightmare. "Jack Frost is becoming a roadblock. He needs to be taken care of. To get to him, we must get to Alyssa Ice first. He loves her more than anything. Spread the word. Today, we get Alyssa."

The Nightmare neighed and cantered off.

*Alyssa's POV*

"Good grief, Jack. Come with me." I tugged on his arm.

"We're talking." He shrugged me off.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, walking off.

We were in the Workshop. The Guardians all decided to come up here and Jack dragged me with him. He took my wristband, which was like his staff to me. I couldn't fly off or ice over anything, I couldn't even get it back! He had a yeti put it on a shelf above my head! He wasn't even keeping it with him.

I walked around, touching little toys. Nothing. I sighed.

"Jack!" I complained as I walked back over.

"What is it?"

"I'm bored! Get me back my wristband!"

"No! Now be quiet!"

I groaned and fell face-down on a couch. Smirking into the soft cushions, I got up and sneaked behind Jack, grabbing his staff over his shoulder.

"Haha! Betcha wish that you didn't take it now!" I kept it away from him, flying up away. He rolled his eyes and turned away.

I smirked and let him get back to his boring meeting, dragging my hand across the tables and leaving his staff in my other hand. The ice left a distinct trail between my fingers, like elongated clear fingers.

"I love this." I muttered to myself.

The ice was a second nature to me. Since I can remember, I have been running around spreading ice.

"What?" I frowned, rubbing black sand between my fingers. "Black sand?"

*Jack's POV*

About half an hour after Aly took my staff, I went after her. "Aly?" I followed the trail she left, but found that it just...stopped. She'd never just left it like that. She'd end it in a design.

What worried me more was the Nightmare sand left on the table and my staff on the ground. I picked it up.

"Guys, has anyone seen Alyssa?" I shouted back, not moving. They all made their way down to me and Sandy was shocked the most at what we found. "What could he want with my sister?" Images of the two girls (Alyssa and my other sister) flashed in my mind. I lost one of them, I wasn't going to lose the other.

*Alyssa's POV*

"I love the decor down here. Homey, mysterious, it's lovely." I rambled. "It's dark and looks randomly pieced together on the ground down there. I'd love to take a walk through this place. What do you call it anyway? Oh my, do you clean it yourself?" I gasped. "Now that is an attractive quality. You don't see that often in men. They much prefer to force women to do all the work and sit back and complain all the time. 'The dishes are dirty' 'This is dusty' yada, yada, yada."

"Shut up." Pitch said.

"Just like that! You think you can tell me what to do just because you're a guy and I'm a girl. That isn't right! It's the twenty-second century for crying out loud!" He rubbed his eyes and sighed. "What do you want me for anyway? I'm nothing in the world! People hate me if anything!"

"I didn't take you to get to the people of the world." He said.

"So you want me for company? Well this is an awful way to treat company. You could've just said you were lonely and wanted to hang out with me. I mean, sitting down here alone would really suck. The only thing you could talk to is your Nightmares for years and years and years and-"

"You're not here for my company either." He said sourly.

"Oh." I frowned. "Am I not good company? I'll have you know that some people love spending time with me. If you could run back to the Workshop real quick like and get my wristband, I'd love you forever, by the way."

"If I do that, you'll have your powers back and be able to break out. I much prefer you be human for a while."

"Why?" I cried dramatically. "I had such a nice life! Why now! Why?"

"Shut up already!" He yelled.

I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest, leaning against the wall. "Someone's grumpy."

"If he doesn't come soon, you're never going back."

My eyes widened. Jack? That made so much sense! The black sand, making me disappear. Jack would find that and know to come here. Oh no. He was in danger. I was safe as long as I wasn't annoying (I'd try) and he didn't show up.

"That's right." He smiled. "Soon, I'll have no need for you."

*Jack's POV*

"What are you waiting for?" I asked. "We need to get Aly back!"

"Jack," Tooth said softly, "we, well, we think it's best if you stay behind for this one."

"Why? She's my sister!" I yelled.

"Exactly. You can't be down there. You'll get distracted."

"You can't keep me from going down there. If I know her, she'll be irritating him as much as she can to make him let her go. I need to get down there and help her."

"Are you sure?" I nodded vigorously. "Okay. Let's go."

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