Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

*Jack's POV*

I frowned. "What's an Oracle?"

"Someone that sees the future."

"And..." I impatiently gestured for her to move this along.

"Come sit down, this might take a while. You're slow to digest things." I rolled my eyes, but sat with her.

Everyone "slyly" listened, though they appeared focused on the globe. "Spirits are always destined for something, for you it was to become a Guardian, for me it was to keep nature in balance. Alyssa's purpose is to keep the Guardians out of trouble. What did she see? Did she tell you?"

"Yeah, she said that she saw North and I burning in a fire and the lights going haywire because it was Christmas Eve."

"Without her there, that's what would've happened. But because she was there, how did things turn out?"

"We didn't burn to death?" I'd already died from extreme cold, I didn't want to die again from extreme heat.

"Exactly. Oracles are rare, Jack. I've had the privilege of meeting but two in over two thousand years, and both have been different. One's visions were triggered by touching something, the other could mostly control when they appeared. The visions differed in length and content, seeming to not relate to each other at all. Some of the visions they've had haven't even happened yet."

"Wait, wait, wait. What does this have to do with Aly?"

"She's an Oracle too."

"I've gathered that much, that's what started this conversation."

She sighed. "They're wanted, Jack, for their abilities. People like Pitch and humans that believe try to hunt them down and use them for their own good. Then when they realize that the Oracles are of no help to them, they kill them. It isn't easy to kill a spirit, but if you can capture one, you definitely have a way to do so. It's like she a part of an endangered species."

"Does Pitch know?" I asked, hoping that he didn't. He could probably take her at this very moment if he wanted.

"Probably not, and try to keep it from him as long as you can."


She rolled her eyes. "I'll find Alyssa and bring her back. You get your staff back meanwhile."

"Wait, do these other Oracles usually die for a second when they prophesy or whatever it's called?"

"Yes, it's called prophesying, and I never looked during my inquires at their personal health. I'll see if they know."

*Mother Nature's POV*

I flew out, fully intent on finding Moser and Tracy, but something stopped me. I felt a nearby presence when I was only a few moments away from the Workshop. Didn't Jack once say that Alyssa couldn't see through snow like he?

"Alyssa?" I shouted, though with the wind I doubt she head me. "Alyssa!"

I stood gently on the snow, trying not to sink into it. "Right here. Who are you?" said a voice, walking up to me. She had some of Jack's features, and her hair gave away immediately her identity.

"Mother Nature." I stopped the wind near us so that we could hear each other and she looked around--the snow had halted as well around us.

"Did you help me earlier?"

"What'd you mean? I haven't seen you before."

"The snow all blew away from around me and stopped falling on me as I froze lakes and ponds. You didn't do that?"

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