Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

*Alyssa's POV-Before Return to Body*

Since I couldn't use words, I froze things nearby.

"Jack!" Pitch howled in anger.

I froze my name on the wall and frosted over it.

"Alyssa." He said in understanding. Then I went over and stood in front of him, grabbing his arm and using my frostbite touch to put my name on it.

"Fear me." I spat, though he couldn't hear me.

He looked down and saw me, which shocked me, but I quickly recovered by punching him in the face. He stumbled back a few steps and stared at me.

"What are you doing here?" He said with a grimace planted on his face.

"You can see me? How?"

"I used my eyes." He sneered. I rolled my eyes.

"Please. We're buddies, we can tell each other things. What's going on in your life these days?" I asked in pure interest.

He formed a giant scythe and swung, narrowly missing taking my head off. There was a spot on my cheek where I felt blood, and that made me mad.

"That's it." I hissed. You know that moment in the action movie where the main character gets fed up with the antagonist and the music starts to play in the background just as everything starts to fall apart for the villain? That played in the back of my head as I flew up and sliced all the chains holding the cages.

"Now what, girl?" He was prepared for my attacks this time, he knew what I could do. "You came alone."

"I have the power of ten. You are the one that's alone."

He shook his head sadly. "I'm afraid you're mistaken." Clicking his fingers with that all-too-well-known sneer planted on his face, hundreds of Nightmares appeared. I smiled.

"Bring it on."


When we all got to the castle in Ireland, I was the first one out, the others not far behind.

As I walked in, I knew that Moser and Tracy were both mourning, because there was silence. I walked farther in, heading to the vision room, where I knew Moser was bound to be.

"Alyssa?" A voice whispered. I turned. "Alyssa, it's you!" She said, still quiet. After hugging me tightly, she said, "Please help Moser. He won't even let me into the vision room, he freaks out."

Feeling my heart drop, I nodded and walked in, making sure I was the only one.

He was standing there, just like when they all thought I'd disappeared.

"Get out." He hissed venomously. "I want to be alone."

"Are you sure?" I smiled, putting my hand on his shoulder. He turned around and I saw his hand balling into a fist, but the moment he saw me he threw his arms around me. "Hi."

"How?" He breathed, tickling my neck.

"I used that trick Manny tried to teach me."

He stood back in shock, but kept contact with me by holding my hand. "That almost killed you the last time you tried."

"It was my last hope to not have another splitting headache when I came back. Besides, I didn't think he'd be able to see me."

"He did?" I pulled him out to the others, where I described to everyone what happened.

"Now let's go." As I pulled Moser out to the sleigh, I told them that since not all of us would fit in the sleigh, Moser, Tracy, Jack, and I would fly on either side of it. Moser and I flew beside each other, and when I caught glimpses of Jack and Tracy, I saw both talking or smiling. So maybe they didn't hate each other, but Tracy was way out of his league.

"Do you see it too?" Moser asked amusedly. Bunny smiled, though the question was for me.

"We all do. Jack! Don't hate the summer spirit as much as ya thought, do ya?"

I slapped him. "Don't be mean. That's my job." I caught a glimpse of him and saw that he was blushing. His face was beet red and I knew he liked her. I smirked. Time to make it worse. "Jack, give it up. We all know you love her!"

If his face could get any more red, it did. A small smile slipped across his face, but I think it was one of embarrassment.

I stooped to the ground and scooped up snow to throw at him, and by the time I got back up into the clouds, his face was almost pale again. Either way I threw it at him. He smiled and made it snow, such that it all came to his hand until he had formed a perfect snowball. Blowing frost on it, he aimed it at me. I stuck my tongue out and ducked, making it hit Moser.

"No snowball fight over sleigh!" North shouted playfully.

We chuckled. Some fun to get your mind off of things for even a moment was always good. My head had been hurting thinking of all I was responsible for. It felt nice to laugh.

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