Chapter 18

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*Alyssa's POV*

"Now?" Manny had told me how to get back, he was letting me go alone since Sami was fighting.


"Now?" I asked for the hundredth time.

"Now." He said.

"No-wait what?" I flew out the door and down to the battle as fast as I could. Suddenly I came to a stop and gasped.

My friends seemed but small specks in the sea of Nightmares. Pitch was standing in front of them, looking pleased. "Pitch!" Everyone's eyes darted to mine. I saw everyone but Tooth and Tracy in the mess. They must be buried beneath Nightmares.

The Nightmares turned to look at me as well and my attention was drawn to them. My heart stopped as I stared into each of their cold, beady eyes. "Alyssa!" Jack shouted, since I was about two hundred feet above him. "Don't focus on them! Just hit them with everything you've got!"

I took a deep breath and got scared, just enough to let my frostbite skin show. "No one touch me." I said loud enough for them to hear. My skin glowed a bright blue as Pitch commanded Nightmares to charge me. I stayed still.

Just as they touched me, they would explode. They froze over faster than anything I'd seen before. I quickly landed by my friends. "That was amazing!" A few complemented.

"Why aren't you guys fighting? Don't tell me you need my help."

"Of course we do!" I didn't know who said that, but it made me smile.

"Pitch!" I shouted again. "You think you're so bad, but then you make your Nightmares fight your battles for you. Are you scared of something?"

He drew the others away from me with Nightmares, but I stood my ground. He came closer to me gradually. "I fear nothing." He spit, about a foot taller than me.

"Prove it. Fight me yourself."

"Who are you to challenge me? Why should I accept?"

"I am the final Oracle, spirit of ice, and...a Guardian. The only to be three different people in one. If you beat me, you have defeated the most powerful spirit in the world and that makes you feared above all others."

A smile grew on his face and he kept the Nightmares away. "Then let's see what you can do."

He formed a giant scythe and I ducked out of the way. As he swung it at me, I just flew or ducked or somehow evaded him, I didn't show what I could do. "Did you merely mock me when you said you were powerful?"

"Not really." I grunted as he nearly caught me. "My turn."

"What can you do that I haven't seen?"

"Many things, Pitch. Here's one," I flung my arm toward him and ice shot from my hand like an arrow from a bow. It hit his shoulder. "Another." I blew, which in itself shouldn't have been very effective, but ice spread across the ground. He slipped on it as I skated around him, throwing up walls of ice.

"Whoa." I heard someone say. They were close, but were immediately driven away by Nightmares. No one but Manny and Moser knew what I could do.

"Never doubt me." I made ice shards grow within the circle of ice I'd put around Pitch, unaware of how long they grew until they came the other side. Nightmares vanished and my face went pale.

"D-did I...?" The ice slowly went away, I was too shocked to do much. I didn't mean to kill the guy!

"That was amazing. Scary, but amazing." Said Tracy as she walked up.

An idea popped into my mind as the ice completely went away and we saw his unmoving and impaled form on the ground. "Moser, come here. I've got an idea." He walked over and I moved them to form a circle again, around him this time. "I don't know what this will do, but we have to try."

My memory rushed back to me filled me with the feeling of curiosity and confusion. Opening my eyes, I saw the blue ball flickering. Tracy's face was contorted in a grimace. "Come on, please."

"I'm trying." She let out a breath and her face relaxed.

The ball became solid. "What do you wish?"

I frowned. "What was that?" I didn't move, just in case.

"What?" Moser asked.

I heard a voice in my head yet again. "What do you wish?"

"You guys aren't hearing that? Something keeps asking what I wish for."

"Answer it. Let's see what happens." Tracy advised.

"What do you wish?"

"Pitch to be alive, but weak. That he never returns to bother us again."

The ball started glowing brightly and I watched. Everyone but the three of us was turning away and hiding their eyes. We were all watching as it stretched down to Pitch and covered him.

We stood there until it just...went away. Pitch stood up and I crossed my arms. "You." He pointed at me. "You killed me. How am I standing here?"

I shrugged.

He ran forward and grabbed my neck. I thought I said weak?! Great, that stupid ball only caught the first part. Fantastic.

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