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He stood there smirking at us.

This bitch.

Stephen stepped in front of me protectively.

My heart was racing. I saw Seth go to his sister and his girlfriend while Dell was next to Sonya. I didn't know the entire family had history with them.

"Tiffany how dare you bring a Fotopolus into my house!" Sonya screeched. "Bitch shut the fuck up!" She snapped. "Aye don't talk to my mother like that!" Stephen yelled. "F this!" Sydel yelled and lunged at Tiffany.

Seth pulled her back.

George held Tiffany back. I clenched my fist. Stephen looked at me from the side. 

He held my clenched fist.

"Babe let's go." George said.

Tiffany glared at us all before leaving.

"Can I kill her?" Sydel asked. "Dell what are you going to do with her?" Sonya asked.

Dell shook his head.

"Boys let's go inside." Dell said.

Sydel, Sonya and the other girl had a knowing look on while I was just confused.

Wardell turned around.

"Baby girl I'll be back alright. I promise. Don't be nervous okay. My mom loves you already trust me. I'll see you later." He said.

I nodded. He pecked my lips lightly and then kissed my forehead. He then left.

I watched as they all left.

"Where are they going?" I asked. "We have no idea." Sydel said, but she was lying.

I knew it.



"Well we gotta do something about them." Seth said. "I agree with him Dad. Tiffany's around here a lot so that means she'll bring George. And he's gonna try some slick shit." I said.

My dad sighed.

"I don't want to go back to the old days. They'll target our weaknesses." My dad said.

My mind immediately drifted to Ayesha. I had to tell him about Jerome.

"I gotta tell you something." I said. "What son?" My dad asked. "Ayesha's ex boyfriend is working with them and we've had to deal with them a few times." I said. "Jesus Christ." He said. "What does he want with her?" He asked. "He wants her. He used to abuse her before he was finally arrested and then he came back for her. And he won't stop until he gets her." I said. "We gotta do what we have to do to protect our family. Even if it means starting this shit again." Seth said.

Dad sighed.

"Alright tomorrow be here by 9 we'll figure things out." My dad said. I nodded.


I walked into the kitchen where my mom and Sydel were.

"Where's Yesh?" I asked.

My mom smiled.

"She looked exhausted so I sent her upstairs in your old room to sleep." She said.

I nodded.

I went upstairs to my old room and saw her sleeping on my bed.

I smiled. She looked so peaceful.

I bent down and picked her up bridal style. She stirred in her sleep.

"Baby?" She questioned. "I'm taking you home princess." I said.

She nodded and snuggled into my chest.

I walked downstairs and saw Seth and Yasmin leaving. He turned to me.

"Bye I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

I nodded.

I went and kissed my mom and sister. My dad nodded at me. I then left.


Ayesha was currently in the shower. I had to tell her everything. I need to warn her. It's the only way I could keep her safe.

I sighed and ran my hands over my face.

I can't be scared anymore. It's the only way to protect her.

I have to tell her everything.


Oh shit. Wardell about to spill all his secrets. What do you think his secrets are? Comment and Vote.
Word Count: 612

Criminal Love ~Stephen Curry Where stories live. Discover now