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I heard loud shouting. I groaned. I felt pain in my arms.

"Ayesha! Baby!" I heard a voice shout.

I shook my head and opened my eyes slowly. I squinted as the light hit my eyes.

I slowly got up and sat against a wall.

"Esha?" I heard him ask. "Where are we?" I asked. "Rise and shine beautiful!" A voice yelled.

I saw Jerome and jumped back in fear.

"Get the hell away from me!" I screamed.

He chuckled and ran his finger under my chin. I flinched away from him.

"Don't touch her Jerome!" Wardell growled angrily.

He got up and turned to Wardell who was cuffed to a pipe. I stared at the two and then my surroundings. I had to figure a way out of here. I looked at Wardell who was looking at Jerome. His eyes glanced at me and started giving little signals. Hopefully he understands what I mean.

I just need him to distract Jerome long enough for me to figure how to get out of here.

I looked down at my hands and my eyes widened. My hands weren't cuffed like I thought they were. This moron didn't even tie my hands.

My eyes scanned the room looking for something to hit Jerome with.

I saw an empty beer bottle on the floor. That'll do.

I dashed to the bottle and grabbed quickly.

"What the-" I cut Jerome off as he turned around.

The bottle broke against his head and he fell to the floor.

"You stupid bitch!" He screamed.

I stabbed his leg so it would be harder for him to move. I kicked his stomach in a few times before turning around to help Wardell.

"Ayesha!" He yelled before I felt myself hit the floor.

I groaned and clutched my stomach.

"Jerome you hurt her I'll fucking kill you!" Wardell screamed while trying to break the cuffs.

"You wanna stab me bitch!" Jerome yelled.

I screamed loudly when I felt glass cut through my skin.

"You fucking bastard!" Wardell yelled.

Tears slipped from my eyes as I clutched my bloody arm to my chest.

Jerome crawled on top of me.

"Fuck letting you live." He growled. "I'll kill you and you're baby." He whispered.

My eyes widened and I immediately started fighting against him.

Jerome raised his hand and punched me. I cried loudly.

Next thing you know he was tackled off of me.

"Ayesha run get out of here!" Wardell screamed while fighting him. "I'm not leaving you!" I cried. "Ayesha dammit go!" He yelled.

I got up and immediately ran out. I had to get help.

I turned a corner but froze.  There stood five big men.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

They all started walking towards me. I turned around and started hobbling away. I was then grabbed.

"No!" I screamed as I fought against the man. "Wardell!" I screamed loudly.

I then heard gunshots. I was dropped to the floor. I groaned in pain.

"Ayesha?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

I turned my head.



HEY GUYS so I'm back with the updates. I've missed this lol. Well hope you guys liked this chapter. Next one will be up in a few days.

Criminal Love ~Stephen Curry Where stories live. Discover now