Not yet

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I left and went to Ma house. I made myself comfortable and laid on the couch

"So you and Raymond back together yet?'

"Ma we are not getting back together"

"I know the future. Ya will be together and have twins soon. Watch"

I looked at her like she was crazy

"I told ya both that ya would get together and have a daughter named Jaze didn't I?"

I nodded my head. I thought that was a dream but I guess she really did say that to me. 

"Ma I want him but I don't want to deal with him."

"Get over yourself ya have kids together and it doesn't seem like you are going anywhere. Ya are living together"

I looked at Ma and shook my head. I got up and walked out and went back home. I got home just in enough time because it started to pour. I fixed myself some food and went to my room. I put on a movie and then the power went off. I turned on the flashlight on my phone and ran to Ray room. I knocked on the door and the thunder and lighting started. 

It took him a minute to open the door. I pushed past him and got in his bed. Ray took my phone and started to light candles. He shook his head and told me that I'm a punk. I made myself comfortable in his bed. 

"Punk let's go check on the back up power"

I got up and jumped on his back. I made him carry me and I held the flashlight and he took us downstairs to the basement. 

I held the light up while he looked at the generator. 

"I think everything is down" 

He ended up taking us back upstairs and I laid on his bed. He came and joined me

"Why Ma told me that we about to have twins" Ray said as he eyed me

"Yea she told me the same thing"

I laid back and looked at Ray. He leaned forward to kiss me but we heard a baby start to cry

He kissed his teeth and left the room. He came back holding a babygirl 

"Don't tell me you have a child and you haven't told me about?"

Ray looked at me and then plucked me in my head

"Riz has a daughter remember?"

"Nah I think Riz would have mentioned that and I would have remembered him saying something like that"

"Well he does so this is your niece kassidy" 

Ray handed her to me and she instantly stopped crying. I held her in my arms and kissed her forehead. 

Ray looked at us smiling. 

"You know I can't wait to be there to watch you hold our child for the first time"

"That is if we ever work things out and have more children"

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