Chapter 1: The Beginning In Konoha

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-Ayumi's P.O.V-

"God damn Sumaru.. It's your fault that I gotta do this." I muttered angrily to my fellow Hoshigakure comrade.

"No it's not! She shouldn't have been so careless!" Sumaru slightly yelled back at me.

I roll my eyes. "Shut the hell up. You shouldn't have yelled at her for trying to create a fire with a jutsu."

It was Sumaru's turn to roll his eyes this time. "Whatever. Do you want me to carry her?" He asked, trying to be considerate.

Sighing slightly, I reply "No it' alright. I got her." As I replied, I adjusted her.

"Okay well here we are. Konohagakure. Good luck Ayu." We stopped and looked at each other.

"I thought you were supposed to deliver a message to the Hokage?" I asked, completely confused considering he was supposed to stay with us until after he met with the Hokage and such.

"I'm supposed to but, I feel I need to get back. Something just seems off. I also need to hurry to find a couple things back home. Can you deliver the message for me? Please Ayu-chan?"

I growled a little and looked down. "Fine. Don't call me Ayu-chan though! Thank you for helping us get this far though Sumaru. We do appreciate it." I thank him and kiss his cheek. When I pull away, he's blushing a little. I smile and say goodbye.

"U-uh.. Goodbye Ayumi-chan. I hope you visit again someday."

"I will, I promise Sumaru." I promised as I took the message for the Hokage that Sumaru had been holding and started walking to get to the gates.

As I walked up to the gates, two men stopped me. "Please state your name and bus- Is she okay?!" the one with darker hair asked.

"Yes, she is fine. We ran into some trouble, she's just passed out currently. My name is Ayumi Yasha and she is Sayomi Ai. We are from Hoshigakure. We come to give Lord Hokage a message from the Hoshikage." I replied, a little irritated because I want to get settled in. Not having much sleep does this to ya.

"Okay, do you need taken to the Hokage?" the lighter haired one asked.

"Yes please, if it's not too much to ask." I answered.

"Not at all." the lighter haired one spoke again and transported us to outside the Hokage's door.

"I gotta get back to my post otherwise Kotetsu will throw a fit. I'm Izumo by the way." He informed me and smiled. I smiled back and he poofed away.

'He seems a bit weird. In a good way though.' I think to myself as I awkwardly knock on the Hokage's door.

"Enter." I hear an old man's voice. I start to try to open the door and sweat drop as I hear Sayomi snoring lightly on my back still. 'Really dude?' I think to myself as I get the door open and walk in, closing it behind me.

"Hello Lord Hokage." I bow my head. "I apologize for not being able to bow fully, but as you can see, my sister is passed out on my back." I apologized, feeling slightly bad for not being to give him the respect he deserves. My parents and Sayomi's parents always spoke highly about him.

"It's quite alright child." He smiled at me, I smiled back.

"Thank you for understanding Lord Hokage." I thank him.

"You're welcome. Now what brings you and your sister here?" the hokage questions.

"I am Ayumi Yasha and my sister is Sayomi Ai, we are from Hoshigakure. We, Sayomi and I, came here because our small clans have been wiped out. Our parents always spoke highly of you and Konohagakure in general. They had always promised they'd bring us here some time but, they never got the chance.

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