Chapter 18: Chunin Exams! Part One!

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"Alright... I think we're ready guys." Sayomi and Miyu smiled at me and nodded in agreement.

"Man, time flew huh?" Miyu asked, making simple conversation.

Sayomi and I 'mhm'ed' simultaneously, "It really is crazy..." I continue a little as we made our way for the first part of the chunin exams.

-HUGE Timeskip; Oro shows himself-

"What are you?!" Sasuke yelled in fear at the monster.

"Where's Naruto?!" Sakura shouted in fear as well.

Orochimaru chuckled, "He's keeping my pet entertained, as for what I am..." He chuckled more, "Well that's a matter of opinion. Some say Monster. Others say Demon or simply snake."

{Author Input! Sorry guys but I wanna speed this part along so prepared to be disappointed with bullet points for the rest of the the first part;

► Ayumi, Sayomi, and Miyu are waiting for the perfect moment to help.◄

► Naruto comes to help but gets knocked out; Sayomi punches Orochimaru when he goes to bite Sasuke so only one fang enters Sasuke's neck.◄

► Everything's same after but, Sakura heals Naruto and Sasuke enough; Sasuke doesn't wake up; Sakura fends off sound ninja on her own until Kin gets her by her hair and Ino's team/Lee's team help.◄

►Everyone that is supposed to make it to the rest of the exams does.}


"First match: Sasuke Uchiha vs Yoroi Akado!" Hayate exclaimed. At the end of the match, Ayumi gets Kakashi to let Sasuke stay until the end of the matches since the mark wasn't too bad. {It doesn't act up as bad as it actually had in the anime.}

"Zaku Abumi vs Shino Aburame!" Hayate shouts as he jumps away. Shino comes out the winner. As does Kankuro.

"Third Match: Sakura Haruno vs Ino Yamanaka!" Hayate shouted as he jumped back a little. Sakura and Ino could only stare wide-eyed.

"Sakura, you need to get down there. I promise that you'll be fine. I put you through that training so that you could win. Now, when you win this round, I'll be training you for the final round. Now get down there and win this!" I finish my small rant to Sakura and she smiled and nodded at me.

"You're right! Thanks Ayumi!" Sakura jumps down to meet Ino in the middle of the arena.

"Sakura... I won't lose to you. I love him and today is the day I can prove my worth to him, to you, to everyone. I'll show you that I'm better, stronger than you." Ino spoke down to Sakura. I gritted my teeth slightly at her arrogance. I let up a little though when I saw Sakura smirk.

"Really Ino? We're about to fight to see who continues on to keep fighting to become a Chunin and all you can talk about are boys? That's pathetic. We aren't academy students anymore Ino. We're genin, on our way to being Chunin. That means riskier missions that put our lives in more danger. Maybe if you worried less about your hair, you'd have a chance to beat me." Ino growled, gritting her teeth as they put their headbands on their foreheads and began their match.

Ino and Sakura begin going at each other. Sakura attacks first but, for nearly five minutes, they go blow for blow. Sakura was holding back and I don't understand why.

After another blow, Ino simply slaps Sakura. It was obvious that it sparked something in them both. Sakura begins taunting Ino again. I smile at her. She wants Ino to put 100% into it. Just like I would want with Sayomi...

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