Chapter 19: Chunin Exams! Part Two!

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~Ayumi's P.O.V~

Sakura, Sayomi and I have trained our asses off. The moment has finally arrived for us to show everyone what we're made of. We all decided to train on our own though since Sayomi and Sakura have to fight, I didn't want to help one and not the other. Instead they actually ended up helping me a few times.

I smiled at some of the memories as we all lined up except for Dosu and Sasuke. Huh. Where are they?

"Chunin participates, listen up. Hayate has been killed so I will be the next exam proctor, Genma. Dosu has also been killed so take a look at the new pairings." Genma showed us a paper that said Naruto vs Neji, Gaara vs Sasuke, Kankuro vs Shino, Sayomi vs Sakura, and me vs Koyumi.

"Why am I the last match?!" I question loudly.

"Because that's what was chosen. Now shut up and stand up straight. You're representing Konoha." Genma stated, glaring at me a little.

I glared back mumbling, "Fine."

-Time Skip-

{Quick 'recap': Naruto won against Neji, Shino won because Kankuro forfeited, Sasuke arrived once Sayomi and Sakura went down to the field.}

"Third match: Sayomi Ai vs Sakura Haruno!" Genma shouted as he jumped away.

Sayomi and Sakura smirked at each other, knowing they would give it their all.

"Earth Style: Hidden Chamber!" Sakura shouted.

My eyes widened when I saw an odd chamber-like room surround Sakura. To say the least.. I think everyone was surprised. Sayomi was no exception.

"What.. What is this?!" Sayomi shouted at Sakura as she began to analyze as quickly as possible on to figure out a counter-attack.

Sakura smirked, "Exactly as the name suggests. Its a hidden chamber I've created with the earth to encase you, immobilizing you."

Sakura continued smirking as she began doing more hand signs. Whatever she did, it began making the chamber slowly shrink and pull down to the ground.

Sayomi began panicking and doing a random jutsu, "Water Style: Water Bullet!" All it did was soak the bars.

"Fire Style: Blaze!" Sayomi did another set of hand signs and shouted then punched the bars. Sakura's eyes widen as they break and Sayomi's fist hits her right in the jaw, sending her flying back.

Sakura laid there for second until she quickly got up and engaged in a taijutsu battle with Sayomi. I can't believe they've become equal in power.. It's insane how much Sakura has improved. I'm so happy for her though! I smiled at my two friends. 'No.. They were my sisters..' At that thought, I frowned. I'm leaving them. All of them without so much as a goodbye.. At least Lord Hokage knows and has documents of mine and Sasuke's leave.

I take my mind off of the leaving by watching Sayomi and Sakura's match. It looks like they're trying to just beat each other by simple taijutsu.

"Man, how long is this gonna go on?" Naruto mumbled.

After Naruto spoke, Sayomi and Sakura let out a yell. They were throwing their last punch, packed full of chakra.

Everyone winced at the impact of the punch, closing their eyes only to open them again to see the two kunoichi's laying in front of a huge indent in the stadium walls. Both unconscious.

"A draw..? Wow.. Who woulda guessed Sakura could've even made it that far." I heard Shikamaru mumble to himself. I chuckled, slightly agreeing with him. I guess I'd completely agree with him if I had been around to grow up with them, witnessing Sakura's 'love' grow for Sasuke into unreasonable craziness.

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