Chapter 8: Talking To Sasuke and Jealousy?

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-Ayumi's P.O.V-

"Alright, so we just go to Sasuke's and ask to talk to him?" Sayomi asks.

I sigh and reply "I guess. That's all we can do. BUT! No matter what, can we tell him what the truth behind the massacre. Got it?" I can't stress it enough.

Sayomi rolls her eyes and answers "Yeah yeah, I got it. Jeez."

"Well you have a big mouth and it could cause big problems." I state. She just sighs and nods. It's not like it'd be the first time her big mouth got us into trouble.

"Well, shall we do this now?" I look at her and ask. She nods and we go to the door and slip our shoes on.

Right as we were leaving Kiba runs up to us. "Hey Ayumi! Sayomi."

I smile and hug him as he gets to us. "Hey Kiba. What's up?"

"Nothin' I was just comin' to ask if you wanted to hang out." Kiba hugged back and replied.

I hold back a sigh. "I'm sorry Kiba, I can't. Sayomi and I gotta talk to Sasuke. We can hang later though if you still wanna?"

Kiba's face instantly fell. "Oh.. Okay, I'll see you later then." Kiba was about to start walking away before I grabbed his hand and kissed him.

"I promise we'll hang out later okay?" Kiba had kissed back and nodded, smiling a little. I smiled back a little as well and we headed our ways.

-Skip to Sasuke's-

Took forever but we finally found his house. Once we approached his house, I knocked on the door. We waited.

And waited.

And waited.

We knew he was in there. I knocked again, harder and hollered "Open up Uchiha. Sayomi and I need to talk to you."

The door opens to reveal an irritated Uchiha. "What do you need?"

"We need to come in and talk. You asked me something on the mission. Remember? We're here to answer your questions." I answered.

"Hn. Fine." came the curt reply. Sasuke walked away from the door so we could enter. He closed the door behind us and we sat in his living room.

I take a deep breath. "Alright, you asked why you felt the way you did towards me. It's because you could tell there was something about me."

I gulp and take another deep breath and continue "It's because I'm your cousin. Your family."

Sayomi was sitting behind me, looking down. Sasuke just stared at me. "You're lying! You just want to try and convince that revenge isn't the way!! Get out!"

I sigh and state "I'm not leaving Sasuke. I am not lying. Nor is that the specific reason as to why I came. Do I want you to drop the revenge? Hell yeah I do. It'll bring you nothing but problems and sorrow. Either way though, I can prove that I'm an Uchiha."

"Tch. Yeah right. Women of the Uchiha clan can't get the sharingan! That's the only possible way you could prove it!" Sasuke yelled once again.

I sigh again and say "That's not true. It just hasn't happened in so long. But I'll show you." I take a deep breath and activate my sharingan. I look Sasuke in the eyes which causes his to activate and look at me wide eyed.

"H-How?!" He yelled. I pull Sasuke to me and hug him. He struggles at first but finally relaxes and hesitantly hugs back.

"I'm sorry Sasuke. Maybe if my parents hadn't moved to Hoshigakure, none of this would've happened." I knew that wasn't true. If we had stayed, my parents, myself and maybe even Sayomi and her parents would've died.

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