Chapter 10: Sasuke Time

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-Ayumi's P.O.V-

"Hey Sayo, I'm gonna head over to Sasuke's place again. He probably has a lot of questions. He probably doesn't even know what to think or say... I know I wouldn't know what to do or say or even think. So I'll see you later okay? I might go see Kiba afterwards." I inform Sayomi while putting my shoes on.

Sayomi nods and says "Alright, I'll see ya later!"

I nod and leave, walking to Sasuke's house. I look around at the scenery around me, the different people busseling. It was peaceful and aggravating at the same time. Upon arriving at Sasuke's, I knock on the door.

No answer.

Knock again.

No answer.

Knock one more time, nothing once more.

"Where the hell is that boy?" I mumble to mysel, deciding to look for him at the training grounds.

"Sasuke!" I yell once I see him. He turned towards me, angry. At least until he saw it was me.

What Ayumi?" Sasuke asks, getting straight to the point.

I sigh and answer "I just thought we could spend some time together and talk more about us being family and all. I thought you may have questions and stuff."

This time Sasuke sighs and responds "Yeah alright." Sasuke sits down and leans against a tree. I sit next to him and do the same.

"Alright, so do you have any questions?" I ask, looking at him.

"Well, how are we related exactly?" Sasuke asks, looking back.

"Well, let's see... Okay, my grandfather on my father's side is Hansuke Uchiha, his wife was Ayako Yasha. Hansuke was your father's uncle. Hansuke and Ayako both died in the massacre. I got my last name from my grandmother.

My grandfather on my mother's side is Setsuna Yuhi, his wife was Kazumi Kurami. Setsuna is related to Kurenai-sensei. I'm not sure on the details though. My brother is Ryouichi Kurami. He got my other grandmother's last name. I'm not sure why they did it though...

It's a mystery that I'm still searching for. As for my parents, my father's name was Kyo Uchiha and my mother's name was Mizuki Yuhi. So... *sigh* I'm not sure what else to say about that..." I stare at the ground, finally done explaining. Sasuke stares at the ground as well.

"What happened to you other grandparents? And... Your brother...?" Sasuke asks quietly, as if he were afraid to ask.

I take a deep breath to calm myself, explaining about my brother is gonna be the part that gets me. "My mother's parents died with mine and Sayomi's parents. By my.. brother. As for what happened to my brother, I honestly don't know and I don't want to know.."

Sasuke snapped his head up. "How can you not even care?! He killed your parents, your grandparents, and even your best friends parents!! How can you not want to know?! Don't you want revenge at all!?" Sasuke yells at me.

"Sasuke, calm down. Don't you think I know what my brother did! I watched what happened! You wanna know why, I don't wanna know?? It's because I simply don't want to! I'm afraid what I'll do if I find out! And of course I want revenge!

Anyone would! I just refuse to devote my life to revenge! I started to do that once. A couple years before we moved here and you know what happened?! Sayomi and I got in a fight and... And I nearly killed her!" I yelled back at him, starting to cry.

Sasuke just looks at the ground again, not knowing what to do or say.

"Sasuke do you understand now, why I stressed the fact of stopping your revenge last time we talked? I don't want you doing anything like what I did." I looked at Sasuke, waiting for his reaction. He just kept looking down.

"I... I'm sorry Ayumi. What else am I supposed to do though?" Sasuke looks up at me.

"Let me help you. Let Konoha help you. EVeryone here can help you train and that way... One day, if you every run into Itachi, you'll be prepared to fight him if need be. Please?" I bite my lip, hoping he'll agree.

"*sighs* Alright... Only because.. You know exactly what I've been through.. And because you know what could happen and I know you'd be... Really hurt if I went down the path of revenge and left the village or something.." Sasuke answered, looking away as if slightly embarressed at his confesion like answer.

I smile and pull him into a hug. "Thank you so much Sasuke."

Sasuke slowly hugs back. "You're welcome Ayumi."

-With the Hokage and some jonin-

"Well would you look at that.." Lord Hokage chuckled as he stared into his crystal ball at the two cousins hugging.

"Who woulda thought it'd be Kyo and Mizuki's kid to help him to get away from the path he started going down." Kurenai states.

"Looks like your job got a little easier Kakashi." Asuma states, looking towards Kakashi.

"I guess so." Kakashi mumbles.


I'm gonna end it here for now cause I'm very tired and don't feel good so, I'll try and work on another chapter for later today or one for a couple days later :p





etc please :D Thank you!

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