Chapter 6: Ayumi's Date: Part One

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-Ayumi's P.O.V-

"Ayumi Yasha! Get yo ass outta bed! NOW!!" I was jolted awake by Sayomi's booming voice.

"Damn it, what did I do?" I mumble, getting outta bed and walking to the living room.

"What do you want Sayomi?" I mumble, laying down on the couch with my face down.

"I wanna know why Kiba is here to pick you up for a date and I had no idea anything was going on between you guys at all!" Sayomi exclaimed. I bolted up.

"What?!" I yell. I hear a sheepish chuckle and quickly turn to that direction and see Kiba, standing by the door. He's looking away blushing. At first I was confused then Sayomi coughed and nodded towards my clothes. I look down to see what I'm wearing.

"Oh fuck! That's fuckin' embaressing!" I yell as I run back to my room to change. I'm wearing a short tanktop that would've been showing cleavage because of the way I was sitting a second ago and short shorts.

"Oh Kami.... That was awkward.." I mumble to myself and get dressed in a red shirt with medium length black sleeves and black shorts that come a little above my knees. I take a deep breath and head back to the living room.

"Sayomi... Can I talk to you in the kitchen?" I ask, looking away.

"Sounds perfect dear sister." She replies. I roll my eyes.

"Spill." Sayomi states as soon as we're in the kitchen.

"*sigh* there's not much to tell. We've been talking for a bit and the day before yesterday, Kiba said he liked me, I told him I liked him too, we kissed and now we're going on a date so if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna put my shoes on and leave with him." I explain and walk out of the kitchen to the door and put my shoes on then grab Kiba's hand.

"Ready?" I ask. Kiba nodded and so I opened the door and we left.

"So where do you wanna go?" Kiba asks.

"How about we grab some brunch?" I suggest. Kiba chuckles and nods his head.

-Sayomi's P.O.V-

'What the hell is her problem??' I wonder to myself as I start cooking some eggs and bacon for my breakfast. After finishing breakfast and doing dishes and getting dressed in a thin, long, blue sleeve shirt and black capris.

I headed to the door and put on my ninja shoes and left. I just felt like walking around. My aimless walking brought me to one of the training grounds.

"*sighs* I'm so bored." I sigh as I lay down on the grass, staring at the blue skies.

"What are you doing?" I right to see Shino standing a couple feet away from me.

"Just relaxing. Watching the sky. Thinking. Why do you usually come here? Am I in your spot??" I blush a little and sit up as I ask. I hope I'm not in his spot or anything. I hear a small chuckle.

"I do usually come here, so I was just wondering. You can lay back down. I'm going to be continuing my walk. See you later Sayomi." Shino replies.

"Bye Shino! See ya later!" I exclaim, waving. I sigh as I lay back down.

'What's going on with Ayumi... Ever since we got to Hoshigakure... She started acting weird. I heard she didn't even visit me in the hospital. We didn't even see each other when I got out. Sumaru said he hadn't seen her either.

Oh my Kami. She thinks I like Sumaru! Shit! I shoulda known. I hope she didn't see the kiss.... I need to find her!' I bite my lip and jump up, running off to find Ayumi.

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