Chapter 12: Ryuugakure and the Mystery Man

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-Ayumi's P.O.V-

"Finally!" I exclaim as we approach the gates of Ryuugakure.

Ryuugakure's guards stop us once we get closer.

"Stop! State your names and business!" One of the guards demanded.

"I am Kakashi Hatake. I am squad leader. We were sent here by Lord Hokage." Kakashi replied. The guards nodded and waited for the rest of our names.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be the next hokage! Believe it!" Naruto exclaimed, grinning goofy. The guards sweat dropped.

"I'm Sakura Haruno." Sakura smiled politely.

"Sasuke Uchiha." I barely noticed but, I did. When Sasuke said his name, the guards had a somewhat odd reaction. I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"I'm Sayomi Ai!" Sayomi exclaimed, happily. Again, with the odd reaction.

"My name is Ayumi Yasha." I stated flatly.

Once again a weird reaction cam from the two guards. Only this time is was different. It was like they almost got very worried. Either way, I acted as if I saw nothing and the two guards nodded.

The gates opened and we walked up to the other two guards that had been waiting closer to the gate.

They proceeded to take us to their king, King Tatsuo. As we were walking, I glanced back and saw two more guards that had appeared. They talked for barely a second when the first two guards nodded and pointed in our direction.

I quickly turn away to avoid any extra suspicion.

Eventually we made it to the king and queen that sat on their thrones. We all bowed respectively.

"Ah! Leaf shinobi! I hope it wasn't a trouble getting here!" King Tatsuo stated.

We all shook our heads then, Kakashi answered "It was actually a very pleasant trip."

"Excellent! It is getting quite late though so the maids shall show you to your rooms and we shall discuss matters in the morning." the king stated as his maids came in. We all nodded, bowed, and left with the maids.

When we got to the hallway where we'd be sleeping, the maids told us which were ours, then asked if we needed anything. We replied no thanks and went to our rooms. It was Kakashi's room, Sayomi's room, mine, Sasuke's, Sakura's, and finally, Naruto's.

After changing, I layed down and practically fell asleep instantly. My final thoughts were of my suspicions and that mystery man.

-3rd P.O.V-

Not far from the castle, stands two men.

Brothers to others, cousins to each other.

"You really should have left her alone you know." the first man, a ravenette, spoke quietly.

The other, a ravenette also, rolled his eyes."You're one to talk ya know."

They both sigh quietly. "She may not save me... But she will save him. You as well." The second man stated solemly, staring at the castle.

The first man glanced at his friend. "You and I both know she won't be able to save me." He stated firmly, staring at the castle as well.

"Did you know... She knows your secret? Along with her 'sister'?" the second man asks.

The first man's breath hitched for a moment.

The second man sighs a little. "So you didn't. Well calm down, she won't tell him unless absolutely necessary." he states simply.

They both sigh once again before disappearing into the night.

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