Chapter 11: Mission Time Again?

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-Ayumi's P.O.V-

*knock knock knock*

"Gah! Who's there?!" I yelled from my room after shooting straight up.

No answer came from the knocker but, I did get a response out of Sayomi from her room.

"AYUMI! Just go answer the door!" Sayomi yelled.

Before I could yell back no, I heard snoring then another couple knocks.

"*sighs* Fine..." I mumble to myself, getting up and walking to the door. I open it and see Kakashi-sensei.

"Hey sensei, what do you need? Are we going on a mission?" I ask, hopefully.

"Yeah, so get ready and pack for two weeks. We aren't sure how long we'll be traveling. I'll explain the details once we start leaving okay?" Kakashi replied.

"Got it. What time do we meet?"

"In thirty minutes at the gate."

I nod and close the door then head for my room. I grab some clothes, shower then pack for two weeks. I walk into Sayomi's room afterwards. I check her clock, it was six in the morning when Kakashi got here, it was now 6:15 am. We're both gonna be late. oh well, I bet Kakashi'll be late too.

"Sayomi! Get up and shower! We got a mission soon. I'll pack your crap." I yell, standing in her doorway.

"Ughhhhh!!! Fiiiineee!!" Sayomi yelled back and stumbled out of bed, grabbing clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. Once she went to the bathroom, I quickly packed and left her a note letting her know she can head back to sleep once she's out.

After writing the note, I went back to my room and plopped on my bed, falling asleep practically instantaneously.

-2 Hours Later-

I slowly start waking up after the sun kept shining on my face. I look over at the clock.

"Probably better grab breakfast and head out..." I mumble as I get outta bed and brush my hair out.

I head over to Sayomi's room, wake her up and go to the kitchen, grabbing a couple extra waters plus one for me to drink on the way as well as several chocolate candy bars to snack on. I walk to the door, slipping my shoes on and wait for Sayomi.

After a couple minutes, Sayomi comes out and does exactly what I do; the water, the chocolate and shoes. As soon as she gets her shoes on, we leave.

-At the gates-

Before Sayomi and I can even say hi, Naruto and Sakura yell "You're late!!" while Sasuke and Kakashi look annoyed.

I grinned sheepishly while Sayomi stuck her tongue out. "Heh, sorry guys... We were really tired. So let's head out and make up for time." I explain out lateness before suggesting we make up for lost time.

Kakashi nodded and we all head out. After about six or seven hours, we stop to set up camp and rest.

"Alright Kakashi, fill us in." I state after we get a fire started and food cooking.

Kakashi sighs and answers "Well, first we are traveling to the Land of Sky, to get to Ryuugakure. Once we get there-"

"Wait, the Village of Dragon Spirits?" I ask, wondering if I heard right.

Kakshi sighs and continues "Yes. Now once we get there, we'll speak to their King, so to speak and he will inform us of the rest. I'm sure it will have something to do with an attack on their village."

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