Chapter 5: Hoshigakure: Day Two, Night Two; Heading Home

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-Ayumi's P.O.V-

"Urghh.." I grumble, slowly waking up.

'Last night was good but, still kinda sucked. Damn Kakashi sensei was mad last night. I guess leaving the hospital and hanging with Kiba all day without notifying anyone wasn't the best idea... Oh well, it's all good now.'

I sighed and looked around the room. No one was here. I breathe another sigh but of relief this time and get up, grabbing some clothes and heading to the bathroom to shower and get ready.

-20 minutes-

"Ahh!" I smile as I finish my shower. As I start getting dressed I hear some voices in the room.

"Y-You should tell her." I furrow my eyebrows.

'Hinata... Who are you talking to?' I wonder, straining myself to hear.

"I know but... Ugh! What if she doesn't like me like that??" My eyes widen.

'Kiba...?? Who are you talking about??'

They both sigh so I decide now would be a good time to make myself known. I don't want to intrude on anymore of their convorsation. No matter who much I actually, really do.

"Hey Kiba, Hinata. What's up? And where was everyone? I got up like 15 minutes ago and no one was here." I smile and ask, acting liike I heard nothing.

They looked relieved. Hinata answered my questions. "H-Hello Ayumi. Everyone got up to get some breakfast. N-no one wanted to wake y-you because you seemed really tired. S-so Kiba and I decided to come back and check if you were awake yet." I nodded at her answers.

"Alright well, let's head out. I'm starving." I keep smiling and grab their hands, running out the door. One thing I couldn't understand though was, why didn't anyone from my team come check... Not even Sayomi. Then again, I don't even know if she's awake.

"Hey.. Is Sayomi awake yet?" I ask to both of them.

"Y-yeah, she woke up not t-to long ago." Hinata answered my question again. I just nodded once more.

Kiba decided to take control since I didn't know where to go and took us to the place everyone was at.

-Skip Breakfast-

As we were leaving, Kiba walked next to me. We were towards the back. "So Ayumi... Are we uh.. Still hanging out today? I'd like to see more of Hoshigakure." Kiba asked, looking at the ground.

I smiled and replied "Of course. I was actually wondering if you'd still want to."

Kiba smiled back. "Wanna go now?"

I tap Hinata's shoulder, she's in front of us. "Hey Hinata, I'm gonna show Kiba around okay?" I blushed and looked away a little. I wanted someone to know. She just smiled and nodded.

I turn back to Kiba and grab his hand, turning around and jumping off to the nearby trees. "Would.. Would you like to visit my parent's graves with me? I want to make sure I visit before I leave... I understand if you don't wanna or feel to uncomfor-" I got cut off by Kiba.

"Ayumi, I'd love to go with you." We smiled at each other and leapt to our destination.

-At the graves-

I sat down with Kiba infront of my parents. I leaned over to the side of the grave and started digging a little. I pulled out a baggy that had a photo album with it. Kiba watched me with curiosity.

I looked at him and explained. "I buried this here with them the day after the funeral. I wanted them to have a part of us. I know it's kinda weird and you probably think it's stupid but... This way I always have a link with them."

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