Chapter 3: Finally! First Real Mission!

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"Sayomi!" I yell as soon as I get in and close the door.

"What?!" She yelled back.

"Of course, kitchen." I mumble to myself.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a yummy peanut butter blossom. "So why ya been cookin'?" I ask, looking around and seeing all the food.

"I dunno, got bored and didn't feel like training." Sayomi answered.

I nodded in understanding. "Well, cookies are freaking awesome. Oh! We got a mission! We gotta be at the gate in... Forty-five minutes." I informed Sayomi and went to pack. It only took ten minutes. Actually five but, I packed Sayomi's bag to help her. She's gotta finish and pack all the food.

"So we're pretty much gonna feed everyone for a few days huh?" Sayomi asked.

"Pretty much anyways, Lets go." I answer.

We head out to the gate, getting there right on time.

Kakashi explains to everyone what's going on.

"So we'll have introductions for Sayomi and Ayumi once we get far enough to set up camp. Alright? Now let's go." Kakashi states and starts to walk along with Asuma, Kurenai, Sayomi and myself.

That is until a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes spoke up. "But we've all already introducted ourselves the first day they got here."

"That may be true but that wasn't much of an introduction, this way you'll all get to know them more formally. Same for them with you six." Asuma answered.

The girl with blonde hair and Sakura both kinda looked irritated with new information about having to give more formal introductions. I doubt Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi and Naruto will do one though.

After that, we all head out.

------Time Skip------

"Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma-sensei!!!" literally everyone but, Sasuke and Shino yelled. They all looked at each other and sighed.

"Come on Kakashi-sensei. We need a break." I press on, trying to get him to let us rest. Sayomi and I need to prepare. Emotionally and mentally more than physically.

"Alright, we'll stop here." Kakashi said, Kurenai and Asuma nodded.

We all cheered and put our stuff down.

"Alright everyone. Sit down around the fire and we'll all do introductions." Asuma stated and Kakashi had Sasuke do a fire jutsu to start the fire. Someone's being a lazy ninja tonight,

It went, in the circle: Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, Sayomi, me, Kiba, Hinata, Shino, Kurenai, Asuma, Shikamaru, a chubby boy eating chips, and finally, the blonde haired girl that complained about having to give an introduction again.

"Okay, you go first." Kakashi pointed at Kiba. Sayomi and I look at him.

He looked back and started "I'm Kiba Inuzuka! And this is Akamaru! I'd hope you would remember us though!" Kiba smirks a little. I roll my eyes.

"Of course I do.." I mumble back. Everyone else, especially Sayomi look very confused.

Sayomi and I looked to Hinata. "I-I'm H-Hinata Hyuga." She states and smiles a little. We smile back.

'Poor Hinata... She's so shy.' I think.

"Shino Aburame." Shino states simply. Sayomi and I nod.

"I'm Kurenai Yuhi. Sensei of team eight." She says, smiling. We smile back, though on the inside, we're crying. I know we're thinking the same thing... Kurenai looks like my mom... Long black hair, red eyes, tall, really pretty... I miss my mom so much...

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