Chapter 2: Finally a Good Mission? Not Yet.

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-Ayumi's P.O.V-

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* "Ugh." I groan and slam my hand on the alarm clock. I look over at the time, it read 4:00am. I roll out of bed, literally. I let out an audible sigh and got up, grabbed some clean clothes and headed for a bathroom to do my normal morning routine.

Once I get out of the shower, I holler at Sayomi to get ready and that I was going to cook breakfast then go for a walk, and that I'd meet her at the training grounds when it was time. After I hollered at her, I check the time. It was only 4:18am. I started making breakfast so I could give soon. I decided I'd make some toast, eggs, and bacon with orange juice and milk. I only made bacon cause Sayomi LOVES it. I can't stand it, personally.

"I'm leaving now Sayomi! Make sure you hurry up!" I yell to my sister, hoping she won't be late even though I know she probably will be. I head outside after slipping my ninja shoes on. Yeah NINJA shoes. Not just any ol' shoes. I wonder around, lost in my thoughts about my family. Sayomi's family. 'I WILL kill you... Someday. That's a promise.'

I let out an audible sigh as I found myself at a small lake in the forest, just outside of the village. I look into the lake. To a normal person, I may look like I'm just staring at the water or my reflection but, in reality, I'm truly staring at my memories. That's all I can see. The good, the bad, and even that horrifying night.

The few good memories include things like family dinners, family game nights, going for walks, setting up a picnic together... There's one though that I'll never forget. Ever. It's one of my favorite and best memories.

~FLASHBACK; Ayumi's P.O.V; Age 6~

"Mommy! Come quick!" I yell, looking back and forth for my mommy.

"Over here dear!" I turn all the way around and see my mommy, daddy, Sayo, and Mr.&Mrs. Ai.

I smile brightly and yell "MOMMY!!" I ran and jumped into her arms.

"What did you yell for sweetie? What happened??" Mommy asked, looking really worried.

I smiled and replied "I did it!"

"You did what honey?" daddy asked.

I smiled and jumped out of my mommy's arms and ran into the field a few feet away from my family and did some hands signs, shouting "Ninja Art: Kujaku Wings!!" As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt wings similar to butterfly wings form. Since I'm small so are they but, I did it!

"See?! I did it!" I yelled, smiling at my family trying to fly over to them. It was harder to actually move with them than just creating them.

"Honey that's dangerous." I looked at my daddy, frowning. That wasn't the reaction I thought I'd get. I glanced at everyone. Everyone but Sayomi looked happy.

I slowly floated to the ground as the chakra wings disappeared and asked "What did I do wrong daddy?"

"*sigh* You didn't do anything wrong sweetie. You did an amazing job. It's just dangerous. I don't want you using the Kujaku methods until you're older and even then, only in important cases. Okay?" I smiled a little and nodded.

"That goes for you too Sayomi. Don't think I'd leave you out of this." My daddy and I looked over at Sayomi. I smiled and she looked down, blushing.

"I can't do any jutsu.." Sayomi mumbled quietly.

I frowned and replied "I'll help you! You'll get it in no time with me as your sensei!" Sayomi and I both giggled while our parents smiled and laughed.

As we started walking home, all the adults started thinking the same thing; 'they're going to be amazing shinobi when they get older.'


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