Chapter 7: Ayumi's Date: Part Two & The Discussion

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______________________I know the last chapter was short and didn't have too much to do with Ayumi's date but, it was kinda just to get me started. Hopefully I can make this longer or update one or two more times.___________________________________________________

-Story Start-

-Ayumi's P.O.V-

"Hey Kiba, guess what." I stop walking and turn towards him. It's okay though. We're walking through the park.

"What?" He asks, stopping and turning towards me too. I smile and jump on him, thankfully he caught me in time so we didn't fall.

"I really... really like you." I answer, kissing him lightly on the lips. He smiles and kisses back.

"I really like you too." Kiba chuckles and starts walking again.

"Kiba! Put me down now!" I yell at him, clinging to him to I don't slip. It's kinda awkward because my arms are around his neck and my legs are wrapped around his waist. Can ya guess where his hands were. Yup. My ass. -_-. Ugh.

Kiba just laughed and kept walking.

"Kiba!" I yelled and smacked the back of his head.

"You don't do that!" I yell again.

Kiba just laughed harder. "Yeah I can, you're my girlfriend."

My breath hitched for a second and I blushed a deep red. "W-what??"

Kiba blushed a little too. "U-uh... W-well, I mean if... If you want to be my... my girlfriend." By this time Kiba had stopped walking.

I pulled back a little so we'd be face to face. I smile and reply "I'd love to be your official girlfriend." I giggled a little at the end and kissed him. Kiba smiled into the kiss, kissing back.

"Well... It's about 6, you wanna grab something to eat?" Kiba asked after we pulled apart.

I nodded and jumped out of his arms. I grabbed his hand, lacing our fingers together as we started walking to a restaurant. That is until we heard someone yell my name. We turn around to see Sayomi. I give her an irritated face.

"Can I help you Sayomi?" I ask once she reaches us.

Sayomi sighed irritably and responds "I need to talk to you... in private."

"Sayomi, I'm on a date. We can talk when I get home. It'll only be a couple more hours. I need to talk to you as well." I answer, remembering I need to talk to her about the Uchiha massacre anyways.

She just sighs and nods, going back home.

I sigh as well and continue walking with Kiba.

"Any idea about what she wanted?" Kiba asked. I sighed again and shook my head no.

"I honestly have no idea." I give an actual answer.

Kiba nods and we walk into a restaurant. The waitress seated us and left us to look over the menu for a few. "What sounds good to you?" Kiba asked while looking at the menu.

"I dunno... I think I'll get the chicken and ranch wrap and a soda." I answer

"I think I'll just get the same. They have some weird food here." Kiba states. I nod in agreement.

"It does look good though." This time Kiba nods his head in agreement.

The waitress comes back and we order. Over the course of the next two hours Kiba and I just talked while we waited, we talked while we ate. Even after we were done, we stayed an extra twenty minutes still talking. Afterwards Kiba paid and we left. We started walking to my house.

"You don't have to walk me home ya know." I look at him.

Kiba grabs my hand, lacing our fingers and answers "I know, but I want to. I like spending time with you. For as long as possible."

I smile at his response and look ahead. 'Aww.. We're almost there... I don't want tonight to be over yet.'

Kiba walks me to my door. "I hope you had a great time tonight Ayumi. I know I did."

I smile and kiss his cheek then answer "I had an amazing time tonight. Thank you so much Kiba."

Kiba smiles back and captures my lips in a slighlty passionate kiss. "Thank you Ayumi. " I smile into it, kissing back. As we pull away from the kiss I hug him tightly.

"See you tomorrow Kiba." I kiss him one more time.

Kiba kisses back again then replies "See ya tomorrow Ayumi."

As soon as he starts walking down the road, I head inside and go straight to my room to change. I decide on a black tanktop and black sweats.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a thing of strawberries and a bowl of sugar. I take them to the living room then set them down then grab a pop from the fridge and sit down on the couch.

"Alright Sayomi! Let's talk this!" I yell out, knowing she's laying in her room. I hear her sigh and she comes walking out.

"Alright, so what I wanted to say earlier was I'm sorry that you saw what you did." Sayomi started.

I look at her confused. "What are you talking about?"

Sayomi looked down. "Back in Hoshigakure... Sumaru and I kissed." I stare at her. Shocked. I can't believe her.. I look down. My heart hurts. I can't let this bother me now though. I need to tell Sayomi the truth about the Uchiha massacre so we can work with Sasuke together.'

I take a deep breath and started "That isn't something that needs to be talked about right now."

I take another but less deep breath and continue "We need to talk about the truth... The truth of the Uchiha massacre. We can both see Sasuke going down a horrible path. We know what it's like to be tempted like that.. We need to help him. I refuse to let him 'live' like he is. So the truth I learned was-"


Sayomi just stared at the floor. "So what are we gonna do?"

I sigh before I answer "I'm not sure yet. If we push to hard for him to not go down that road, he'll run down it instead of just walk. We have to be careful." Sayomi just nods.


That's the end of the chapter!!(: Still short.. I know. Sorry. :c I dedicate this chapter to nguyenjul17 because she has been the first comment for awhile on this story and because I love her Kiba story too ^.^

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