Chapter 13: An Attack and an Encounter

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-The Next Day; Ayumi's P.O.V-

We're currently all sitting in the dining room to find out more details as to why we were sent here.

"Good morning leaf shinobi!" The King and Queen greet us.

We smiled and said our good morning's as well.!

"Alright, down to business." The King started. We all sat attentively. Personally I was nervous and excited about it. I was hoping there might be an attack because I really want some action ya know? But I don't want anyone to get hurt.. Well, we'll see what the problem is.

"As you may have assumed, our poor village has been attacked. We would like your help to eliminate them. If it is possible, we'd like you to find out why exactly they're attacking We can only assume that they are after my children and/or our sacred scroll." The King finishes.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are your children? And do you have any idea why they would them and/or that scroll?" I ask as politely as possible.

"I have kept my children in their rooms with guards all around their rooms. As for why they would want my children, simply because they are royalty. The attackers could simply want to kidnap any of my children to either get money or.. or that scroll. The reason for wanting the scroll is because, well in full honestly I'm not quite sure. No one knows really, because it won't open. I've heard legends of it being opened in the past. Mostly devastating results. Although, I have heard a story of a someone having opened it once, and they had acquired dragon and wolf like abilities. They had saved this very village before. Unfortunately the only thing anyone knows about the savior is that he had black hair and had a male companion who also had black hair. So now you know as much as we do. That's why we, the royal family shall continue guarding it. We have been fore over 100 years now. The only time we didn't have it was when those young men saved our village. Someone had managed to steal it and the two men returned it." the King finishes explaining.

I nod in understanding. "But your majesty, I thought you said no one saw the two men? If you also don't mind me asking, how long ago did this take place?" I ask, getting very curious.

"No one has. Just because they had returned it doesn't mean that their looks were seen miss. I can understand your confusion though. As for when, it was about 7 years ago." King Tatsuo answers.

I give a quick nod, trying not think about it. If I do, I'll get lost in my thoughts and they'll ask questions. Can't have that, now can we?

Kakashi spoke up a little. "We'll do our best your majesty."

We decided we should go ahead and eat then the king said we'd meet his children and we'd be the one's protecting them. Not the whole time though, mind you. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to do ur actual jobs.

-Skip to meeting king and queen's children-

The King is finally having his children come down. We wait until finally they start coming down the stairs.

We look up at them, studying them. There are five children total. Three boys and two girls. Previously we had been told to try to keep them together.

The two girls came forward first. The looked like twins. The first girl stepped one more step and spoke. "Hello. My name is Azumi Ryuu, eldest child." Azumi had light brown hair and violet eyes.

"Hello! My name's Amaya Ryuu! I'm the second eldest child!" Amaya exclaimed. She had darker brown hair and violet eyes like Azumi but, Amaya's were a little darker.

The girls stepped back slightly as the boys stepped forwards, with one boy taking one extra step like his oldest sister had.

"Hello. My name's Tadashi Ryuu. I am the third eldest child but, first eldest of my brothers." Tadashi stated simply. He had darkish blonde hair, almost a dirty blonde but still a little darker. His eyes were an emerald green.

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