Chapter 17: I'm Sorry.

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-Ayumi's P.O.V-

Sighing sadly, I walk up to Kiba's house. 'Kami, this is gonna suck.. I hope he takes it well..' I think as I knock on the door.

Kiba's the one who opens the door, "Hey Ayumi!" Kiba smiles brightly at me which makes my stomach drop. "What are you doing here?"

I bit my lip before answering, "Hey Kiba.. Can we talk?" I stare at the ground, unable to look him in the eyes.

"Yeah sure, we can talk in the living room. My mom and sister are on a mission so they won't be harassing us." Kiba holds the door open for me and we walk to the living room. "So what's up babe?"

I look up, meeting his eyes, "Kiba... I think we should break up... Please here me out though first." I bit my lip as he does too. Kiba nods and looks down.

"Kiba, I really really like you.. But with the chunin exams tomorrow... I think we should break up because one of us, or even both of us could die. I.. I just think it's for the best. That's not all though.. Please keep this a secret because you and Lord Hokage will be the only ones who will know.. Well, and Sasuke." I stare at the ground as I explain a little.

"What is it...?" Kiba asks softly.

"I'm leaving after the chunin exams and I'm making Sasuke come with me. Not even Sayomi will be going or even know that I'm leaving." I state, biting my lip again but harder this time. See, I talked to Lord Hokage before coming here stating that I want to take Sasuke with me to train but, to him and everyone else; we'll be rouges. I explained to Lord Hokage that I feel Sasuke is going down a horrid path that I've witnessed and experienced first hand and that I can't let him go down it at all costs. He accepted it as long as I get as much Intel on Orochimaru and the Akatsuki as possible though out the years that him and I will be gone. I agreed.

"WHAT?! What is wrong with you Ayumi?! Why would you do something like this!!" Kiba shouted at me.

I squeezed my eyes shut as he yelled. When he was done, I looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry Kiba. I have to save Sasuke. He's the only blood family I have that isn't fully tainted. I have the chance to get rid of the tainted evil he already has in his mind and I'm going to do it. Lord Hokage agreed to it because not only will Sasuke and I get stronger as we travel and train but, I'll be gaining as much Intel on two evil groups of people. Please Kiba, understand that I need to this. I really want your support on this." I explained everything to him. Almost everything at least.

Kiba looked really deep in thought for a bit before taking a deep breath, "Alright Ayumi. I'll support your decision because it's important to you.." He trailed off but, before I could say anything he pressed his lips to mine. My eyes widen in surprise before I slowly close them and kiss back.

As we pulled away, I was the first to speak. "Thank you Kiba." I smiled at him.

Kiba smiled back and replied, "You're welcome Ayumi. I'd do anything for you." After saying that, he hugged me. I hugged back then pulled away.

"I'll see you at the exams tomorrow okay?" I say, standing outside his door, getting ready to leave.

Kiba nods, "Yep. See you tomorrow!" We smile one more time at each other before I head home. As soon as I'm away from his house, tears slip down my cheeks.

'I'm so sorry Kiba.. I know you're upset.. I know you're hurting.... I can't let you see me hurting too though otherwise I won't be able to leave. This is something I need to do. I.. I love you Kiba. I hope you'll forgive me one day.' My thoughts trail off as I get to mine and Sayomi's home. She turns to me as I walk in.

As soon as I close the door she rushes to me and hugs me. I had told her I was going to break up with Kiba because of the chunin exams thing, the same as I told Kiba except I left out the mission thing. She rubbed my back soothingly, never once did she mutter an 'it's okay' or 'don't worry'. She let me sob into her shoulder until I feel asleep. I know she took me to my room because she wouldn't just leave me there. This is why she's my sister though. This is why I love her. I just hope she'll forgive me one day too.


Very short chapter, I know. I didn't want to add this and the next chapter together though. I hope you guys enjoyed! I'm going to work on the next chapter now! :D

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