Chapter 15: Ayumi Likes to Surprise

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-Sayomi's P.O.V-

As we kept running, we all got more nervous. We haven't run into the medics and back up yet, "Where the hell are they?!" I yell out in anger as tears sprang to my eyes for what seemed like they millionth time.

"Sayomi, stop freaking out. It's not helping anyone. We should be meeting up with them any time now." Sasuke tried to reason with me nicely but, he just sounded like a jerk.

"Shut up Sasuke.. You don't have her blood running down your back, reminding you that she's losing more and more of her life." I reply back, blinking away my tears. I have to stay strong for her, I have to believe she'll make it.

"There they are!" Sakura shouted pointing towards them. Our faces brightened slightly at the sight of them.

"Are you Kakashi's team?" One of the medics asked as soon as we reached each other.

"Yes," I nodded. "Please help my sister, she's lost a lot of blood." I slide Ayumi off my back, onto the stretcher that they set up.

Some of the medics nodded and started checking her over, "Do you know what happened in her fight?" One of them asked, a male.

I bit my lip and shook my head no, "I got there too late..." He nodded in understanding.

"Takumi! We need to get her back to village for treatment otherwise..." A female medic trailed off. The man she spoke to, Takumi nodded.

"Where's the rest of the back up?" I asked, realizing that I haven't seen anyone else other than the medics.

"They should be passing up any moment, so let's go. When we get back to Konohagakure, we'll send other meds to help Ryuugakure. We need to take care of our own first." Takumi replied.

I nodded, "Thank you.. Takumi." I thanked him, knowing that they wanted to put us, Konoha ninjas ahead of another village. I know that sounds bad but, it's true. We do need to take care of our own first. Takumi smiled at me and patted my head in acknowledgement.

"Move out!" Takumi yelled. We all took off with them. They were carrying Ayumi in a stretcher.

"Ayumi... I'm so sorry I got there too late.." I mumbled, staring at her non-moving, bloody body. I bit my lip to keep from crying out a little.

"We won't make it back to Konoha today. I don't even know about tomorrow. So we're gonna go as far as we can for as long as we can. When we have to stop, we're going to try and treat her wounds the best we can without our equipment. We may have to do a bit of a blood transfusion Do any of you know her blood type?" Takumi seemed to be the leader of the medic team.

"Her blood type is O negative." I answer, getting more upset. I don't have O negative blood and I don't know if any one on this team does..

"Do you have O - blood?" Takumi asked me. I shook my head no, sadly.

"Do any of you?" He turned his attention to the rest of team 7.

Sasuke and Naruto shook their heads no. Sakura nodded. My eyes widen, "You really do Sakura?"

"Yeah.." She replied quietly.

I smile at her, "Thank Kami. If it comes to it... You'll be the one to save Ayumi's life." Sakura's eyes widen in realization.

"Really..?" She asks.

I nod, "Yeah, if they need blood for Ayumi before we get to the village than they'll need you to donate blood. If you weren't here... There would probably be no chance for her."

Sakura looks away, "Wow..."

Takumi nodded his head, "It is true. I'm afraid that once we stop again... We're going to have to begin a blood transfusion. She's beginning to look very pale already." I bite my lip and nod.

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