Authors Note! Please Read!

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Hey everyone! I'm close to publishing the next chapter! So I hope guys enjoy it when I do (It's gonna be a good long one ^.^) but I'm in need of some help with some things. They're listed right below. ↓↓↓↓

►I'd like at least one person (two or three would be great as well) to help review and edit my stories. Mainly Alone at the moment. I feel I need different eyes going over it, y'know? So if anyoone would like to do, please message me or comment!

►I would love it, if someone who was great at computer art and such to help me out with creating some pictures of my OCs. I'm currently trying to with GIMP but, It's difficult for me when I don't have an actual person telling me what to do: step by step, not a youtube video./: So if any of you are intrested, please message me or comment! We can negotiate something perhaps? (It won't be money, just sayin' that now since I'm broke ._.)

♪Well that's all for now. I'm gonna go back to working on the next chapter of Alone! So stay tuned! ;D lol Have a great day (and Easter if you celebrate it ^.^)♫


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