Chapter 16: Sakura's Change!

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~Ayumi's P.O.V~

"Come on Sakura! You can do this!" I shout at her.

She nods her head and weaves several hand signs, "Earth Style: Earth Flow Spears!" Sakura and I have changed this jutsu slightly so, as she punches the ground and creates a decent size crater with spikes in it. Sakura made a decent size crater with spikes considering the little training she's really had.

I smiled, "Great job Sakura. Let's see if we can tune you water jutsu's.Maybe we can get you to be able to heal minor injuries or at least some good attack/defense jutsus. So.." I trailed off before cutting my hand slightly with a kunai and held my hand out to Sakura.

"Water Style: Mystic Heal.." {Made up jutsu ^.^"} Sakura's hands began glowing a greenish purple and she manipulated the water over my cut and it healed up nicely. When it was gone, her eyes widened.

"Ah! Thank you so much Ayumi! I never knew I could do something like this!" Sakura exclaims happily, hugging me.

I laugh a little, "You're welcome Sakura, but you're not done yet." I hugged her back then let go.

"What else is there to do?" She asks curiously. I can tell she wants to hurry back to flaunt her new power.

I smirked slightly and replied, "I did say I wanted you to learn a little more with water didn't I? It's best to know offensive and/or defensive when it comes to any Chakra Nature. So try Water Style: Tornado of Water." I show her the signs until she gets them.

Sakura nods, "Alright, Let's do this! Water Style: Tornado of Water!" Sakura yells as she makes the necessary signs. As soon as she completes the last sign, a tornado of water surrounds her.

"Ayumi! How do I control it??" Sakura yells from the middle of it.

I jump up high and land next to her in the tornado, "It's simple really, it's basically as if you're manipulating your chakra when you healed my hand. Just try to move us forwards while controlling it." I explain to her.

She nods and looks forwards, focusing on her surroundings as she slowly moves her hands in a flowly-like motion to move us. I smile, "You're doing a great job Sakura. I'm gonna try something while we're here though okay?" I ask to make sure she doesn't mind. Sakura nods, her eyes still focused forward.

"Fire Style: Mini Fireball Jutsu!" I shout as I spit a small fireball jutsu into Sakura's tornado. Sakura's eyes widen in fear until she realizes what I did and smirks.

"Alright, now slowly let up on half of your chakra but, try to allow my chakra take over what you're releasing. This way we'll both have a firey-water tornado that's capable of shooting fire or water balls." I explain, hoping she understands. It seems she does though because she does exactly what I explained.

I smiled and shot my hand out, still in the tornado to shoot a fire ball out then I did the same with the other hand but, a water ball came out instead. I glanced through the waves and flames to see the same outcome coming from Sakura's tornado. "Alright Sakura, let's end the jutsu." I shout over the roar of the water and fire.

We both end it and I walk up to her, "We'll stop with ninjutsu now so you can still have some energy. You need as much as you can get since we'll be doing some more taijutsu training before heading back."

Sakura falls to her knees, "Ayumiiii! Do we have to?!"

I sigh, I knew I was gonna have to use this against her. "Don't you wanna prove to Sasuke that you can be strong?" Her eyes snap up to me.

"You're right! Let's do this!" She yells and we begin training some more.

~Timeskip 4 hours; 2:30pm~

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