Chapter 20: Goodbye..

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►Alright everyone... This is going to be the last chapter of Alone! DDD: What shall I do after this?! Write a sequel of course! :D Hehe. So I hope those of you who have kept up with the story {even those who haven't :3} will enjoy the final chapter of Alone! :D Thank you to everyone who has bother to read, vote, comment, and/or follow me! ^^ It's thanks to you that I continued :3


~Third Person's P.O.V~

They were never told how much you could hurt emotionally and psychologically when you decide to be a shinobi. They only teach you about the physical pain..

One night caused many young as well as older ninjas quite a bit of emotional pain.

Two of their friends,


students.. Were gone.

They left without a word. At least that's how it was to everyone but Tsunade and Ayumi. It didn't stop the pain for Ayumi at all though.

She knew she was a horrible person. She knew they'd never be truly welcomed back.. Tsunade would allow them back but the people of Konoha would never accept them again.

Ayumi's dreams died the day she left Konohagakure with Sasuke. She was fully aware that she was giving up her dreams to keep him off the path of evil but, she knows that she'd never change that decision in a million years.

Ayumi's dreams..

To become an incredible, well-respected kunoichi..

To study under Tsunade, the now fifth hokage..

To become a Chunin then a Jonin and have her own team of goofy Genin..

To stay and be happy with Kiba..

To Ayumi, leaving Kiba was the hardest. She knew Sayomi would hurt but, she had Sakura, Hinata, Naruto and everyone else.. Ayumi knew that Sayomi would be okay.

It seems as if Ayumi knows everything, doesn't it..?

There's one thing she doesn't know though....

She doesn't know if she'll ever be okay again. As long as she helps Sasuke and protects Konoha and others who are precious to her, she doesn't care.

Ayumi Yasha..

The 13 year old girl who lost everything as a young child, whom is giving up everything she had gained back, all for the sake of her cousin, Sasuke Uchiha.

This is how Ayumi became to feel so Alone.

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