The New Girl

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((A/N: ALRIGHT! This is my FIRST X-Reader! Criticism is welcome! Also, don't word it too harshly, because sometimes I get offended easily ^~^#))

Today was the start of a New Year. The Academy just returned for the summer. Frantic boys and girls hurry to familiarize themselves with their new schedule. Speeding down the hallways, neatly organizing their lockers, which would be pointless because the clutter would catch up to them. Everyone talked with eachother. Although, a few seemed to refuse to be social, which would eventually change.


I walked down the halls. People tend to avoid me, which I don't understand why.

Oh! I'm Ivan! I have a very pale beige color hair, along with deep purple eyes. I'm apparently tall? That's what my sisters tell me.

Back to hell.

I open the door quietly and peek my head in.


Alfred, the obnoxious blond, was throwing paper air planes across the room.
Arthur was sipping hot tea in a fancy tea cup. He had the whole set spread across his desk, even completed with a lacey white table cloth.

There was even more chaos, but I don't want to bore you with details. Although I think Natalia almost stabbed someone.

I shivered. She was scary, but I love her as family anyways. It would be nice if she didn't insist on becoming one with me, though.

I sighed once more. Even if this was hell, I missed it. It gets very quiet at home.

I made my way to my desk, and took out my drawing pad. I flipped through the pages. Nothing had changed, only sunflowers. Red, blue, yellow. Short, tall.

It started last year.

I don't know why, but I had an obsession with sunflowers. But no matter how many I draw. No matter how many sunflowers I have. Even if I LIVED in a sunflower, I would feel empty.

I am missing an important sunflower. Somewhere, there is a beautiful sunflower, and I will protect it.

A sudden bell had brought me back from my flower fantasies. I looked around the room, all familiar faces. All except one. Someone had sat in front of me.

She was gazing out the window, at the trees and birds. She wasn't smiling, but something told me she was enjoying it.

She whispered the names of birds to herself. Sometimes she would roll her eyes and mumble about how stupid she was.

A black cat stepped out into the parking lot. All of a sudden, she leaned towards the window.

"Do you have a home, buddy?" She whispered to herself in a calming voice. She almost smiled, but then the teacher called attention.

She slouched over and put head on her desk.

"Students." The teacher called out. "We have a new student." The teach looked at the girl in front of me.

She reluctantly got up and stuck her hands in her pocket.

"C-ciao..." she said. Her voice was small and quiet, which was cute. She also seemed extreamly shy.

"I'm... (Y-Y/N)..." (Y/N) kept her head down. "I'm f-from (Insert Place Here)"


(Home Place), da? I've heard they make great (favorite food)!

She sighed in relief and looked at the teacher hopefully. The teacher nodded, which meant she could head back to her desk. Once she got there, she collapsed in the seat. I guess she didn't like talking in front of crowds.

We learned about (useless math here). (Y/N) never rose her hand, but whenever she was called on, she replied with the correct answer. Quietly, of course.

She needs a friend. Oh! I know! I'll sit with her at lunch!

I smiled.

I won't be alone after all!

Broken Sunflower ~ Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now