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question guys

should i delete this

i dont want to because i think people enjoy it, somehow??? Even though my writing at the time was awful. So uh

at the time i was always super sad, but x readers made me feel good so i wrote this. At first i atteneded it to be more of a private thing, but look now lmao

now im much different, probably a better writer.

anyways, should i delete this?

Oh, and also, if youre reading this and you asked a question in the comments, just dm me. i get too embarrassed to even click on this fanfic (so this chapter was due a long time ago lmao)

anyways, leave a comment saying




i think that works? Leave a comment on whatever one u want

sorry guys this was a long time ago but it haunts the back of my head so here is a chance to speak your mind

Broken Sunflower ~ Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now