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"Oh, (Y/N)?" He whispered sexually.

"N-no. Alfred, stop." (Y/N) cried as Alfred walked closer. She was backed against a wall.

Before I could do anything, (Y/N) punched Alfred in the face. Hard.

Alfred fell to the ground. He wasn't expecting that. The damsel couldn't escape his grip, so he underestimated her strength.


I tip-toed into the room. Once (Y/N) saw me, she sprinted towards me and grabbed me into a tight hug.

She was crying.

Alfred made my sunflower cry. HE WILL PAY.

"It's okay, I've got you now." I said calmingly. I wrapped my arms around her.

Alfred slowly got up. Once he caught a glimpse of me, he quickly ran out of the room.

(Y/N) is too important to leave right now. I'll kill him tomorrow.

"Wanna head home?" I asked.

"Y-yeah..." she sniffed.

"If you don't mind, I think I should stay at your house."

(Y/N) nodded weakly.


(Y/N) still wasn't over what happened. I don't blame her. Alfred was being a moron. A playboy.

Before we walked into the house, she checked the mail box. (Y/N) slammed it shut when she saw nothing.

Once inside, I was greeted to a mostly empty living room. A plaid couch with a brown coffee table.

She had no TV, or any real entertainment.

It didn't matter, because once she showed me around the house, she insisted on going to sleep.

In the hallway, there was a line of postcards tapped to the wall.

Can't wait to come home!
-Mom and Dad

The sunsets here are really pretty!
-Mom and Dad

Make sure to eat your vegetables!
-Mom and Dad

Just little notes. The dates on each postcard was within a week with eachother. But there were no postcards sent recently?

I heard a charm come from (Y/N)'s room. It sounded like her phone.

I tip-toed into the room, so I wouldn't awake my sleeping beauty.

Well, she wasn't... "beauty" when sleeping.

((A/N: huehue //shot))

The phone read 'Boss (B/N)'.

I picked up the old tracphone. It probably had minutes, so I must be quick.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"(Y/N)?" (B/N) asked. He sounded friendly.

"No, this is Ivan. A friend."

"May I speak to (Y/N), then?" (B/N) asked in a jolly voice.

"She's sleeping. It was a stressful day for her, da. Can I call a vacation day?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I know how school is stressful. I've sent some muffins over. They should arrive soon." (B/N) chimed. I'm glad (Y/N) had someone to look after her.

"Thank you." I replied. "Oh, and thank you for looking after (Y/N)."

"Well, she seemed so lonley so I only did what my heart told me too!"

He was so cheery, I swear I could hear him smile.

"Bye, then."

"Bye!" (B/N) cheerfully replied.

He seems so understanding. Is there really someone that nice in the world?

I put down her tracphone, and noticed something on the bedstand.

Another postcard?

It read:

"Hey (Y/N)!

We are doing just fine in (War Place Here)! This is our first postcard! Your mother is one of the best nurses, and I think I am a great guard!

Love you, (Y/N)!

From Mom and Dad"

Broken Sunflower ~ Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now