Stranger Danger

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The strange student kept his dark hoodie up, and his head down. Every so often he would shiver.

I couldn't get a good look at his face. Her face? It's face?

I don't trust it. So I made sure it stayed away from (Y/N). And whatever I asked, nicely or not, it obeyed.

Class went by slowly. We were assigned homework. Some useless math, of course.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

The clock was going too slow. And it was too loud. I resisted the urge to smash it.



Lunch, on the other hand, passed by quickly.

(Y/N) kept talking about kittens. She told me about the things kittens need. I kept a memo on my phone.

Kitten Things

-Wet Kitten Food
-Dry Kitten Food
-Maybe a cat tower
-Lots of love <3

So, they need a lot of things.

I mentally sighed. Along with mentally hit myself with a lead pipe.

Kittens are a lot of work.

Then I remembered something.

"Oh! I forgot to ask. Are you okay from yesterday?"

(Y/N) looked confused.

"Okay from... what?" She asked innocently, tilting her head.

What...? Did she... forget??

"From... Alfred...?" I replied slowly.

"Oh! Yeah! I forgot!" She giggled.

She... forgot?

(Y/N) continued to ramble on about kittens, and before I knew it the day was over.

I asked her on her opinion about the new student whilst walking her home.

"Should I remove his hood?"

"What? No!" (Y/N) punched me jokingly. "That's ruuude!"


((You: Wow Author-chan, thats a big time skip.
SHHH i know xD))

Alfred has yet to appear. The stranger is still avoiding me. I am VERY suspicious of him.

Muffin is easier to take care of then I thought. I bought her a little collar that looks like a scarf. She's so cute!

Today, I decided to bring Muffin to (Y/N)'s house.

When she saw the kitten in front of her she nearly died. Of excitement, of course.

"CELEBRATORY CRUSHED ICECUBES!" She screamed, before sprinting into the kitchen.

Then there were several loud bangs.

I run into the kitchen, 'trying' to keep my cool.

No one touched my Sunflower, it was just her smashing a hammer against icecubes.

"How do you put so much force in one crush, da?" I ask, impressed.

"I imagine these ice squares as my enemies. My betrayers. Seeing their faces smashed and bleeding in my sick, twisted mind, well, is very satisfactory. Beg. BEG FOR MERCY! BOW TO YOUR GODDESS!" Her (e/c) eyes flickered, filled with fire. A wicked smile grew ear to ear. A cackled laugh everytime an icecube broke into pieces. "DIE! DIE! DIE!"

I was honestly disturbed, and hoped that I wasn't an icecube. This was NOT the innocent, shy (Y/N) I met before.

As (Y/N) continued her murderous ramapge against the frozen water, we heard a car pull up into the driveway. (Y/N) stopped smashing the poor, helpless ice cubes.

Then the front door opened.

(Y/N) peeked around the kitchen wall to see who was an unexpected visitor.

I tucked my hand in my jacket, ready to pull out my metal pipe, just in case.

Was it Alfred?


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