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She laughed.

Even in was the smallest grin, I was satisfied.

I'll keep Alfred around until he stops being entertaining.

(Y/N)'s laugh slowly transformed into a smile, then back to nothing.

(Y/N) looked at me.

"Why are you smiling?" She huffed. It sounded rude, but I knew she wouldn't do that.

"Because you did, my sunflower!" I beamed.

I kept calling her sunflower. Not on purpose, though. She didn't mind though. (Y/N) never corrected me or looked at me funny. She didn't correct me or laugh. She just accepted it.

Her expression changed to sadness.

(Y/N) tried her best to contain her sorrow. But sometimes she would cry, and I would protect her.

But everytime I did hug her, my chest would burn.

What was that feeling?

I hugged (Y/N) tightly and hummed a lullaby to her.

After a while of silence, she released herself.

"Why... do you care?"

Why... do I care? Why do I care...? I didn't know what to say. I couldn't describe what my mind was telling me.

All I could think of was jumbled sentances and made up words.

The only thing I could do was smile.

Broken Sunflower ~ Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now