Nighty Night

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I opened my eyes, then closed them. It was pitch black, so it didn't matter if my eyes were open or shut.

A lady in a pink dress floated down in front of me.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"I? I am (Mom's name)." She said. Her voice echoed in my head.

"You... died." I looked at her.

A grin grew on her face. Not a happy grin, an evil grin. Her (M/E/C) eyes turned red and the ground below me crumbled. I was in darkness once more, but then I realized my eyes were closed. I opened my eyes, only to have light flood in. A cold breeze washed over us.


"This is the place, aru?" Someone said.


"Hehe! Alright!" An annoying voice replied.

Alfred...? I clutched my hand. I'll get him now.

"... I don't like this place." Said a pale gentlemen.

Arthur...? What was happening...

"Y-yeah!" Said an invisable voice.

Mattie... I couldn't destroy Alfred in front of him.


Francis. ((A/N: say this in an annoyed tone))

And one last person who hasn't spoke, besides me, was (Y/N). She latched onto my arm, whispering words I didn't understand.

I finally looked around. We were in a forest, and in front of us an old, abandoned mansion.

"I don't... p-please don't go in there." (Y/N) pleaded. Something was obviously upsetting her.

"Dudette, you didn't have to come if you didn't want to." Alfred said. He was acting more like... Alfred then the Alfred at our school. Being a jock changed him, I'm guessing.

"P-PLEASE! DON'T GO IN!" She screamed. Tears ran down (Y/N)'s face.

But instead of listening, they waltzed in the abandoned mansion.

"... It's over..." she cried. (Y/N) hung her head.

"We don't have to go in.." I tried to calm her.

"No. We must. We gotta protect them. Strength in numbers." She said.

I had no clue what she was rambling on about, nor did she give me the time to process it. She tugged on my arm, refusing to let go.

Once we entered, the door slammed behind us. Everyone thought it was the wind, though.

"N-no going back." (Y/N) whispered, her voice cracking.

"Alright! Let's split up in-" Alfred was cut off.

"N-NO! STICK TOGETHER!" The (H/C) girl screamed once more.

"Dudette, you okay?" Alfred asked, sounding sincere. He tilted his head in confusion.

"I know you won't believe me but... this mansion is haunted." (Y/N) explained quickly. She still was latched onto me.

Everyone except Arthur and I laughed. The British man looked down, he knew something too.

"What did they put in the drinks at the meeting, aru? You're supposed to be the quiet one." Yao laughed. "You're funny, (Y/N)."

"It will eat us all.... kill us one by one..." (Y/N) mumbled to herself in a monotone voice.

They ignored her.

I had no clue what was happening. Monsters... don't exist?

"F-fine. Don't listen to me. See what happens." (Y/N) growled harshly.

I trust (Y/N) but... ghosts? Attacking us?

"Arthur. Francis. First floor." Alfred instructed, pointing in random directions. He jumped about in excitement.

"Ivan, (Y/N) and I will take on the second floor, aru!"

((A/N: Accidently wrote Russia instead of Ivan xD))

"Right. A-Alfred and I will take on the th-third." Matthew stated in a hushed tone.

"ALRIGHT! Then we meet back up here and assign new searching spots!" Alfred beamed.

(Y/N) wouldn't stop clinging to me.

"P-please... be prepared to attack..."

Everyone nodded and headed to their assigned floor.

The only room (Y/N) was interested in exploring was the most top right room. (Y/N) was interested in the closet, but when she opened it, there was nothing but a small place for clothes.

"No... safety..." she whispered before clinging to me again. Once we finished, we were gonna head downstairs. Then we saw something.

The thing (Y/N) warned us about.

A tall, stark gray creature. With giant black balls for eyes, and a giant head. Looking at it could frighten anyone. It mumbled words no one understood.

"S-STEVE!" (Y/N) screeched. It was about to attack Alfred until (Y/N) jumped in front of the attack.

A slashing noise rung harshly through the empty halls.

Alfred shot the thing with his pistol. The monster soon disappeared.

I ran over to the bleeding sunflower.

She... protected Alfred... but Alfred did all those things to her.

"Why... didn't you listen to me...?" She whispered sadly.


"Please... escape. Find Feli... he knows everything. The monster will get stronger...  please..." (Y/N) coughed weakly, blood leaving her face.

I held onto her cold hand.

"There's a passage way into the basement to escape... it's in good condition until the monster burns it... find it together as a group..."

"Don't die on me, p-please!"

"Escape... HetaOni..."        (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes went dull and her grip loosened. Her face paled.

No. No. NO.



Broken Sunflower ~ Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now