Muffins and Muffin!

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I was awaken by a singing bird. It chirped it's tune cheerfully.

Wake up. Open your eyes to the harsh reality of life.


Ivan, now's not the time to be sour. You've got a wonderful day ahead. We gotta plan on how Alfred will suffer!

I let out a small giggle. Alfred will pay~

I quickly snuck down the hall and peeked into (Y/N)'s room.

My face practically lit itself on fire. I felt like I was in a forbidden zone.

She was snuggled under her (f/c) blankets.

(Y/N) shuffled around, twitching slightly.

Then, she yawned.

I, red faced, quickly un-snuck myself out of the hall and re-snuck myself into the living room.

Watching girls sleep?! What are you, Francis?! ((A/N: I KNOW I KNOW, He's not a rapist. But he is a pervert. ewe))

I mentally scolded myself, repeatedly, and was about to hit myself with my lead pipe until (Y/N) walked out of her room.

"AH! I FORGOT YOU WERE HERE!" She cried. She was wearing a/an (Anime character) onsie. Her face went crimson and she sprinted back into her room.

I, red faced again, was too... 'shocked'... to move. I wasn't shocked though, but... what word would describe it?


When she came back out, she was wearing (insert any SCHOOL APPROPRIATE outfit here).

(Y/N) kept her eyes glued to the ground, still pink from revealing her non-anti-social side.

I decided to make small talk.

"Is it always so hot in your house?" I asked nicely. I was unaware that the warmness was not coming from the house, but emitting from myself.

"N-now that you mention it... it IS a little hotter then usual. I'll open some windows." She replied, getting up to open the familiar sorry excuse for a window.

"Oh! Your boss sent muffins!" I smiled. "He sent them yesterday, so they should be here, da?"

"Heh. (B/N) doesn't have to do these things." (Y/N) mumbled contently. She walked towards the door and quietly opened it.

She stopped opening the door half way in sudden realization,

"Oh gosh! I forget about work!" (Y/N) remembered, turning to me. She hung her head.

"Da... about that. I called a  vacation day for you." I said, rubbing the back of my head.

"Oh, really? Thank you!" Her face brightened. (Y/N) continued to open the door.

At the doorstep was a box, a nice sized box, with holes in it. But a nice aroma wafted around, so I couldn't care less about  the holes.

(Y/N) started to ramble about the nice things he does before setting it down.

She grabbed the box and tore it open. (Y/N) gasped.

"Awww! These are the expensive muffins on isle five. Oh, and there's a kit- KITTEN?!"

(Y/N) pulled out a small kitty. It had a white belly and legs, while its head, tail, and back were light brown. It had random black fur here and there. It's eyes were a stunning light blue.

 It's eyes were a stunning light blue

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((A/N: I uh... tried to draw it))

(Y/N) sighed, while tightly hugging the kitten.

"I don't have enough money to take care of kitty-witty." She cried, lifting the cat up to her face. It pawed at her nose.

"It-it's alright! I can take care of it." I blurted out.


No I can't.

"Really?! Thank you Ivan!" (Y/N) pulled me in a hug.

I buried my face in my scarf for two reasons,

One. My face burned like hell.


"Her name is... Muffin!" (Y/N) smiled, squealing at the cat.


(Y/N) dropped Muffin off at an animal daycare. I payed the lady at the counter and once (Y/N) was outside,

"If I come back and Muffin is hurt, you'll be having some problems, da?" I said, opening my jacket to reveal a lead pipe in a custom made pocket.

The lady nodded nervously.

"Bye bye now!~" I laughed, leaving.

Once we got to school, all I could think about was Alfred. How shall he die?

Hmm.. lead pipe! The classics.

Got my math things. Got my math pipe. Got my math mindset.

If Alfred has 206 bones, and I break 20, how many bones does he have left, da?

I walk in, ready to do some 'intense math', when, sadly, Alfred wasn't at his desk. There was someone in a black hoodie, though.

I tapped his shoulder.

"You're new here, da?" I asked, putting on the nicest, most childish smile I had.

"A-a-ah. Yes my dude- er- bro- I mean-... Yes." He said nervously in a familiar voice. He wouldn't look straight at me.

I don't like this stranger.

He seemed... untrustworthy.

Arthur glared daggers at this stranger, too.

"You git." He mumbled at the hooded student. Arthur rubbed his temples, shook his head before being attacked by Fracis' pervy antics.

The teacher started class.

But the odd thing was... this 'new student' was not introduced.

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