My Sunflower

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-(Y/N)'s POV-

"Ugh..." I groaned, looking out the window at my work. "It's gonna rain." I didn't even bring my umbrella...

The sun hid behind the clouds, not a ray in sight. Light and dark gray clouds swirled and mashed in the wind.

As soon as work ended, I quickly began to walk home to avoid the cold nipping at my bare skin.

I was passing through the town plaza. The fountain was over-flooding onto the multi-colored stone pavement. The houses looked bleak. Lamps lit up the streets.

"(Y/N)?" An unidentifiable male voice gasped. He sounded surprised and relieved.

I spun around to greet the man. "Y-yes? That is me." Maybe he's a new co-worker?

A tall man was smiling down at me. He had a light brown trench-coat and wore a very light pink scarf. His hair was short and beige, and his eyes were a breathtaking lavender. He was also very tall.

"I found you!" He said in a Russian accent, laughing joyfully. Something about that laugh put me at ease.

He ran up to hug me, but I pushed him away.

"I... don't know who you are." I told the truth. I didn't recognize this man.

"Don't be silly, (Y/N)." He said, trying to hug me again.

"Don't touch me!" I hissed defensively. He didn't feel dangerous to me, but he was a stranger.

"(Y-Y/N)?" The Russian said in a whisper like tone. A frown slowly grew on his face. He softened his purple eyes.

"How do you know my name?!" I shouted. I didn't think he was a co-worker. Something about him seemed friendly, and it pained me slightly to raise my tone.

"I avenged your mother..." he admitted quietly. His face was dazed by this point.

"She... died in a car accident 5 years ago." I stated quietly, hanging my head. "How can you avenge someone in a car accident?" I added sadly, regaining eye contact.

She died in a car accident. But what was odd was that I could never remember what my mom looked like, all I remember is my dad telling me this. I also couldn't remember my life before that, either... I brushed off this thought.

"You... don't remember me?" Tears started to roll down his face.

"No! Who are you?!" I cried out in confusion. It hurt even more to see the man cry. He seemed so friendly and strong, and just my words alone were tearing him down.

"I-I'm I-Ivan." He said. The beige-haired Russian hesitantly reached out a shaky arm  towards me.

I turned, about to run away. This man, although giving out a safe aura, was strange. I was trusting my feelings on this one, and my feelings, besides feeling terrible, were to flee.

"(Y-Y/N)! W-Wait! Don't go! Please!" He pleaded in a very desperate tone.

Man, he was pulling my heartstrings.
No, I can't fall for that!
I started to run.


I stopped immidetly.


Lightning and thunder crashed. The man let out a quiet cry at the noise.


I turned around in horror, to see someone different.

The same man, but in an academy uniform. He was radiating a safe feeling, and wearing a childish smile.

Where have I heard that before... s-sunflower...

A flash of white blinded me. It wasn't the lightning. I racked my brain to figure out the simple but perplexing question.

"I love you, my sunflower." Said a slightly higher pitched voice then the man's in front of me.

I looked at the Russian again.

It.... was him. It was him all along. Why didn't I recognize him sooner?

"I-Ivan?" I whispered in disbelief. I started to remember things.

I... forgot. Guilt panged me in the chest. How could I forget all the good times we had?

His face lit up from me remembering him.

"You... remember?"

I remembered the day he left in order to avenge my mom, who did not die in a car accident. She died on the battle field, as a nurse. Shot.

Yes, I remembered.

I covered my mouth. The Ivan that had left was right in front of me. The one I promised to wait for.

I remembered going to sleep in exhaustion from crying one day and waking up cheery the next, acting as if nothing happened. Subconsciously creating a fantasized world and placing it into reality. The cost of being so happy was losing the one I loved. Was it true happiness? Living in ignorance?

No. I much rather be sad with someone to comfort me then be happy with no one to cheer with me.

Ignorance is bliss, but I don't want to be in bliss if it means I'm alone.

Replacing reality with fantasy was a coward's way out and I should be ashamed of myself.

"Don't ever leave me again..." I mumbled in relief, pulling myself out of deep thought. Slowly regaining all the the great and terrible memories we shared.

He ran up to me and picked me up. He spun me around, both of us laughing.

Ivan placed the girl down and ruffled her (h/c) hair.

"Let's go inside. It's raining." He chuckledm

"Oh. I nearly forgot." I commented, looking up at the sky. Then back down at my now soaking clothes. If only I brought an umbrella. A cold breeze washed past us.

Lightning and thunder crashed. Ivan flinched.

"They sound like bullets." He laughed.

Ivan took off his jacket and placed it on me. I teetered. Wobbling around, I laughed. His trench coat was surprisingly heavy.

"Do you wanna buy some illigal memes?" He asked simply, his usual childish smile plastered on his face.

"Da." I mimicked his smile.

"я люблю тебя."


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