The Scarfed Demon

695 42 5

-3rd Person POV-

The sun beat down on the military tent's roof. Wind blew through the military camp. The air was hot and heavy. Trees provided weak shading on the edges of the camp.

Two lone soldiers ate their tasteless lunch, talking about the odds and ends. Soldier gossip, if you will.

Soon, a new recruit joins the chat. He, innocent, not knowing anything about any of the soldiers. He began to ask questions about each soldier, and the vetran gossipers would give him the scoop. It wasn't long until the newb asked:

"What about the tall beige-haired one? He gets to wear a scarf! Isn't that against the- mUmpH!" The newbie was cut off by soldier one's hand placed on his mouth.

"Don't question him!" He fiercely whispered, while snapping his head over at the scarfed solider, to see if he was listening on their info party.

He wasn't paying any attention to the gossiping soldiers. Instead, he drew smiley faces in his food whilst humming happily. Probably day-dreaming.

"I'll tell you about him, though." Whispered soldier two. Soldier one snapped his head back to look at the speaker of those death wishing words.

"Are you insa- mUMPH!" Soldier one was cut off by another hand.
Soldier one sighed and nodded. No point in fighting it. The recruit looked nervously at the purple-eyed freak. He did give off a... creepy aura.

"Alright." Soldier two whispered. The newb snapped his attention back to them men in front of him. "His name is Ivan Braginsky. He is the best sniper we have. He's earned the nickname... The Scarfed Demon."


I hid in the leafy green bushes with my trusty gun. I preferred my lead pipe, but I wasn't going to push the rules any farther then I have. They allowed my scarf, and that's fine.

I crawled forward, moving a few leaves of of my vision. Today was another battle. Just sit and hide like a sniper is supposed too.

I heard the footsteps of someone approaching.

Enemy soldier.


The soldier fell.

I shot him in the leg.

He screams out in pain before falling to the ground. A soft thud when he does.

Oh, another soldier has come to help?


In the leg. He falls, screams. Thud.

Wait. Wait for the pray.

Soldier arrives to help the wounded.



It's a loop.

A soldier arrives. Shot in the leg.

Their screams of agony attract other soldiers.


Is that a butterfly? Oh, I wonder which one!



Wow, it's pretty hot out, isn't it? These camo suits aren't helping, either.



I love these trees! Bradford Pears, I believe.

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