Never Alone

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Maybe I wasn't good enough for (Y/N). She's so... and I'm... a-and Alfred is...

I shook this negitive thought as I left the gym. Even if I wasn't scared of Alfred, he is a threat.

Curse his likable dork face!

I was brought back to reality by a smiling (Y/N).

"Earth to Ivan? You alright?" She waved her hand in front of my face. (Y/N)'s (E/C) gleamed up at me.

"Hehe, da. I'm here." I weakly smiled.

She saw straight through that weak smile, and could tell something was wrong. She slightly tilted her head.

"You okay?" She asked, concerned.

I nodded. We started walking down the hallway. (Y/N) walked with a skip in her step. Did she always walk like that? I didn't notice it before. I must've not been too observing.

"I don't have the next class with you." I said. Although this wasn't a lie, I was upset about this. I wasn't gonna tell her about Alfred. I had a sinking feeling that Alfred was going to do something stupid.

"Oh... yeah..." (Y/N) sighed. She looked down at the ground.

"M-maybe I can walk you home?" I asked quickly in one breath. I hid my tinted face under my scarf.

"I mean, sure. I-if you wanna." She said in a surprised tone. (Y/N) avoided eye contact. Was her face pink?

Success! Alfred will never be with (Y/N) alone.

I walked her to class, and we parted our ways. I smiled and waved. She gave out a sheepish laugh and nervously waved back. (Y/N) inhaled deeply before walking into her next class.

-Weird Class about emotions and stuff-

I walked into our useless class. It was dark. The walls had a weird green wallpaper. The room did have windows, but the light brown blinds were down. In the front of the room was a long chalkboard and desk that faced the class.

Our instructor was a skinny man. Since there seemed to be no use of electricity, he was either an extreme tree hugger or he lives under a rock.

I slunk over to my desk, awaiting the boring information I was about to receive.

"Eyes are the gateway to the soul." Our instructor stated. He slapped the pointer onto the chalkboard with a expertly drawn eye.

"You can tell what someone is thinking by looking at the eye. Well, sort of. Eyes are tied to the face, so it's hard to tell the emotion without the other. But today we are only learning about the eyes. So, back to the eyes. Expression. Such as, the pupil is said to expand when around something they love." Our mentor instructed us. He paced back and forth behind his desk, occasionally stopping and facing the class.

Thinking back, (Y/N) did like that sunflower pin. I guess I should pay more attention to her expressions.

I snapped back to the lesson. Maybe it wasn't as useless as I thought. I immidetly wrote a few notes down onto my paper.

"When someone is suffering, their eyes are... distant."

I raised my hand. "What does distant look like?"

The instructor looked surprised for a moment, before calling me. I usually stayed quiet.

"Ah, good question, Mr.Braginsky. It's hard to tell alone from the eye if they are distant. It ties with the face and their attitude." The teacher instructed. He faced me before pacing again.

"A distant person might look lost. Or-or afraid. They might need someone to follow."

I nodded.
I kinda like this class.

"Alright, so when the person is happy," he continued.

After an intresting class, I left to head to (Y/N)'s class.

I was about to walk in the classroom, then... Alfred.


He was alone with (Y/N).

He was gonna do something stupid, wasn't he? Being so popular, thinking he can hook up with anyone instantly.

Alfred had his hand on (Y/N)'s desk. She stood up with her stuff in hand.

"Y-yes, nice meeting you." (Y/N) tried to escape, but then Alfred grabbed her arm. He smiled a devious smile and looked at her. She struggled to release his grip, but Alfred was one of the strongest athletes in the academy. She dropped her supplies on the ground and pulled with full force.

He then let (Y/N)'s arm go, letting her fall backwards.

He wasn't gonna take Arthur's oh, so helpful advice, either.

With his now free arm, he pulled his cowlick.

(A/N: lets just pretend it does the thing, alright? xD)

(Y/N) tried to get up but Alfred grabbed her again, forcing her up.

She had no clue what was coming.

Broken Sunflower ~ Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now