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There goes the bell.

Once that bell goes off, everyone turned savage and rushed out the door.

(Y/N) sighed, and pulled out a map of the school. Even she had some difficulties trying to figure it out.

"Hey." I said.

She jumped, "Ah- um," she took a second to breathe. "Hello."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Ivan"

"It's a-alright.. I'm paranoid of everything anyways." She laughed weakly at herself. "I'm (Y-Y/N)."

"I'll show you the way to lunch." I offered. Although the was I said it made it sound like an order.

Her (e/c) eyes lit up. "T-thanks!"

She wanted to walk with me? No, she just wants to find the cafeteria.

I gathered my stuff quickly. She slowly and neatly gathered her binders and books.

While my rushing, I dropped my notebook filled with sunflower drawings.

She squat down, and looked at my drawings.

Embarrassment hung over me.

"Th-they're pretty." (Y/N) smiled, while handing the book back. Her cheeks dusted with a light pink.

"T-thanks." I hid my face in my scarf. "Lets go to lunch."

As we walked in the hallways, I looked back at her every so often. She followed really close to me, even though the hallways were mostly empty. She seemed so lost. I guess she isn't the leader type. (Y/N) kept her head down, unless we passed something like art or a window.

Her face remained a neutral frown, but her eyes...

Her (E/C) eyes. They hid something. They looked empty. Souless. Lost.

Sometimes she would catch me looking at her, and smile reassuringly. I was was worried, but I only just met her and I didn't want to ask about her personal life.

"We're here, da?" I said.

(Y/N) looked up from the ground and looked around.

She eyed the other student's food and nodded.

"It looks edible!" (Y/N) seemed really happy about that.

I guess Arthur didn't make it. I nodded approvingly at my joke. ((A/N: I'm sorry I had too xD))

(Y/N) looked hungry, but she wasn't moving. Oh. She was waiting for me.

Once I started towards the lunch line, just as I predicted, she followed me.

She really wasn't an independent person, was she?

If Natalia saw me standing with (Y/N), she will pull a knife.

I looked around cautiously. Nata Nata. (AN: iM soRRy)

Out of no where, Francis appeared.

"Honhonhon~ Whats a fine lady like you doing here and not at my house?" He flirted as smoothly as possible. ((A/N: kill me))

(Y/N) scrunched her face up and sunk her face into her (F/C) t-shirt. She seemd trembling ever so slightly.

Francis continued to bombard her with compliments.

All (Y/N) could muster out was "T-T-Thanks..."

I could tell she was upset, so I turned around.

"You're making (Y/N) uncomfortable. Please stop." I said as nicely as possible, but I guess it sounded really threatening because he left quickly. When I said (Y/N)'s name, I felt happy. Maybe I should say it more often.

(Y/n) looked up at me. She wanted to say thank you, but the incident still shook her a bit.

Although, I don't get it. She was being complimented... wait. It was by Francis. He probably said some creepy things.

We finally got our food, and then I became the leader again.

Atleast I thought I was?

(Y/N) walked towards an empty table.

Now she can make decisions?

"Why are you sitting alone?" I asked, walking uo to her.

She jumped again.
"O-oh! So you could sit with your f-friends!"

I shook my head and pulled out a chair.
"I have none."

(Y/N)'s face looked angry, but then she took a breath to calm herself.

Then, I thought of something.
"Well, I used to not have any friends."

She smiled.
"I'm glad you h-have someone."

"It's you."

(Y/N) dug her head into her shirt. I could tell she was smiling.

After a while, she begun to nibble at the food on her tray.

Even though (Y/N) was no longer alone, her eyes still looked empty.

I'll ask her about it. Not today though.

Broken Sunflower ~ Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now