I'm Home

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-(Ivan POV)-

I slowly peaked around the corner, expecting to see Alfred.

But what I saw was definitely NOT Alfred. Instead stood a middle-aged man.

I tightly gripped my lead pipe. This stranger could be a burglar, and I would protect (Y/N)'s valuables.

After what seemed like forever, (Y/N) regained her ability to speak.

"D-dad...?" (Y/N) stuttered. She trembled softly.

"I'm home." The man's stern face turned into a soft smile.

(Y/N) too surprised to move, stood there. Her (E/C) eyes slowly welled with tears. When she finally figured out how to walk, she sprinted into a spine crushing hug.

I smiled childishly. It was nice seeing (Y/N) so happy.

"I missed you so much..." (Y/N) managed to say through the sobs.

(Y/N) tightened her hug, then released it. She stood, stunned for a moment.

After (Y/N) recollected, she managed to say,

"W-where's mom?"

A sad look crossed Mr.(L/N =Last Name)'s face.

"She's... in the hospital."

(Y/N) no longer looked happy.



I couldn't resist my urge to speak.

"Is she alright?" I quietly piped in.

"She's... stable."

Silence once more.

(Y/N) didn't move from her spot.

"There's a chance she'll be okay, right?" (Y/N) asked.

Again, uncomfortable, unbearable, silence.


Mr. (L/N) nodded.
"Of course, (Nick Name)."

(Y/N) smiled weakly and pulled her dad back into a hug.

"Don't leave me ever again." She whispered, sounding forceful.

(Y/N) took those poor smashed icecubes, and a spoon.

She then insisted that she should sleep.

"If I wake up and you're not here I'm assuming it was a dream, alright?" (Y/N) pointed accusingly at her father.

"Yes ma'am!" Mr.(L/N) replied, saluting.

(Y/N) tried and failed to hide a smile, before going back to sleep.

I was alone with him.

I didn't really know how to act around him, so I tried to be polite.

"How's the luck going?" He asked. A strong smile grew on his face as he sat down on the couch. Mr.(L/N) winked.    > u o

"I do not understand, Mr. (L/N)." I replied. I sounded like a Kiku robot. I also sat down across from him.

((A/N: I apporrogize, but I do not understand, Mr.Rast Name))

"Don't be so formal," Mr. (L/N) laughed.

"Gome- I MEAN SORRY." I coughed nervously.

I'm not Kiku. I'm not Kiku. I'm not Kiku. I'm not Kiku.
I'm not Kiku. I'm not Kiku.

Why is it so awkward?

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. ((A/N: THE DAD IS A SHIPPER, OKAY?!))


What was happening.

"We gotta go." I quickly said, grabbing the sleeping Muffin and almost sprinted out the door.

Once out the door, I realized what he meant.




I quickly hurried off, my face deep crimson. I glanced over my shoulder to see a smirking, fatherly figure smiling deviously at me through that SORRY EXCUSE for a window.


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