Headsune Miku

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I closed my eyes.

This wasn't real... it was a dream. A nightmare. I refused to open my eyes again.

The burning in my chest returned. It wasn't the anxious burn when I drew that girl on paper. No. It hurt. As if I was on fire. I couldn't breathe. Alfred was saying something.

"Dude! Are you okay? Wake..." It was too quiet to hear. But I knew who said it...


It was his fault. All his fault.

Then a familiar feeling took over,

Silence. Darkness. Loneliness.

I couldn't stand it.

I opened my eyes and was greeted to an almost empty bedroom.

Relief washed over me. Only a nightmare.

(Y/N) was... sleeping? I didn't wake her. Today it was saturday, so it didn't matter.

And, she was breathing. I sighed in relief.

I stood up and exited the room quietly.

I was gonna head back to my home and sit in solitude until,



(D/N) came out of his room.

He sighed and shook his head. "I can't comfort her. I'm no good with words."

I couldn't say no.

I exhaled and nodded. I wasn't sad about staying, just a little nervous.

I'm going soft. I thought.

When I tip toed back into the room, (Y/N) awoke.

"Are you okay, sunflower?"


Atleast she was honest.

I sat down next to her and she latched onto me. Then she started to cry.

I stroked her (H/L) (H/C) hair, and wrapped her up with the end of my scarf.

She would soon go back to sleep, and I would wait.


"You have to go to school." I tried.

"NO." She hissed coldy.

"Pleaseee?" I begged.


I sighed and smiled weakly.

Then I picked her up bridal style.

She began to kick and flail around.

"LET ME GO-" She growled.


Oh, the tables have turned.

She stuck her tongue out at me and stopped trying.

"Get dressed or I'm carrying you to school in your pjs."

She sadly obeyed.

"Alright... lets go." She mumbled unenthusiasticly.

This has been happening everyday.

She hadn't been going to work. Luckily, the army funds have already arrived. Her boss had to fire her. He didn't want to, but she hadn't showed up enough. He understood, though.    (B/N) continues to send gift boxes.

At school, she remained silent. (Y/N) didn't put on fake smiles.

She hasn't smiled for a while.

Until one fateful lunch, where we both smiled.

Kiku had brought in a Hatsune Miku doll, so he could model it for art class.

The doll caught the attention of the mysterious student. I was suspicious of this person, but (Y/N) was more important.

"Gumi is better." The hooded student mumbled before quickly exiting the scene. He snicked quietly before taking a seat.

Kiku never looked so angry. He was even more mad then the time he thought about high prices! He snapped his head at the student.

Heracles and Sadik ((Greece and Turkey)) pulled out their phones to take pictures of the rare Kiku.

"I'm making this a meme..." Heracles chuckled, tapping away on his phone.

"What." Kiku hissed at the hooded student as he approached it. He grabbed the student's shoulder and flipped down the student's hood.

It revealed the one person I was looking for.


I almost jumped out of my seat. (Y/N) looked at me.

"I wanna see what happens." She whispered flatly.

"Da, okay.." I whispered back, slightly disappointed.

Several gasps emitted from the lunch room.

"I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN, YOU AMERICAN GIT!" Arther groaned, facepalming so hard it was audible.

Alfred, oh poor Alfred, then realised how many middle aged men living in their mom's basement would pay a fortune for that doll.

"Kiku, dude, you should totally give that to me. We'll split the money. I'll buy all the McDonalds in the area!" Alfred insisted, standing up. He gestured at the doll.

Kiku hissed.
"Never, you foorr!"

Students now had their phones out recording the incident.

Alfred grabbed the doll's head while Kiku gripped the feet tightly. The two tugged on the poor Miku doll.

"She's... mine!" Alfred insisted once more, pulling harder on the doll's head.

"Get your own, you Vocaloid weeaboo!" Kiku growled in response, tugging back.

Alfred was stronger then Kiku, and the result of this was...

The doll had enough.


The doll's head popped right off. The two fell to the ground from the force they had put on the doll.

Kiku sat in speechless agony as Alfred held the head, still processing what happened. He then noticed words on the doll. Alfred read on the bottom of the disembodied Vocaloid head,

"Made... in... China.."

Kiku literally turned his head 180 degrees to look at Yao.

Yao widend his eyes. "I DIDN'T MAKE THAT!"

"Sure you didn't, Yaoi." Alfred taunted, pointing at the Chinese student.

"My name is Yao?"

Kiku then started smiling, while glancing at Feli and Ludwig.

"Yaoi." Kiku echoed.

"That's not my name, aru!" Yao cried.

Both Alfred and Kiku went up to Yao with their arms raised. They wiggled their arms like pasta above their heads, while hissing 'Yaoi'. Their souless eyes stared straight through Yao's head.

"AIYAA! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Yao sceamed and hit the human snakes with a wok and laddle.

The American and Japanese student's fell to the ground with a thud.

Kiku began to mourn the death of his doll.

Then I heard it. A rare, almost extinct sound.

(Y/N)'s laugh.

Okay so
Inspiration for this waaas...

I was on social media and someone has shared that with me. It was when I was still writing the story and hadn't published anything.

I thought it was funny, so I put it in. Yeaaaaaah!

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